Recent content by esmer_gm

  1. E


    Simply, when you are kicked from the server, this scrip will do rejoin automatically...!jBNWVBzJ!GN6-ZnGrg ... z49T2ZBVDw
  2. E

    Ordinal Number

    Is there any site or program in which I can turn on automatic writing of ordinal numbers for example 22-01 , 22-02, 22-03, 22-04 22-...
  3. E

    SAMP Fakekill AntiCheat ByPass

    I need to overload server ,maybe cause messageholelimit to kick other players
  4. E

    SAMP Fakekill AntiCheat ByPass

    Not enough, I used that for flooding server which send "Server lost connection " to all players, but there is anticheat now, is there some way to do something similar which can cause same problem to players and server?
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    SAMP Fakekill AntiCheat ByPass

    Is there any way to bypass anti cheat for fakekill?
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    SAMP Stealler

    There is new .asi stealer
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    Free Trial Stresser

    Can someone give me sites where I can  try free trial stress test, SSDP?
  8. E

    SAMP Stealler

    This code is not working, I have one which Iam using 2 months, works perfectly
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    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

    And what did you answer?
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    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

  11. E

    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

  12. E

    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

  13. E

    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

  14. E

    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

    Color is changing on HUD, Money, Fist, Radar etc.....................
  15. E

    SAMP Cleo Multicolor HUD

    Is there download link of this mod multicolor HUD?