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    CLEO Help hello

    hello, i need really HARD afk bot there is server where i'm playing so when i get this text on my screen i have to press Y or SPACE, i tried every AFK bot but no one of them pressing Y and SPACE so maybe someone can help me?
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    CLEO Help /settime /setweather w/o sf.

    is it possible make it? i know it's possible, but can't find it workin because i'm playing on R4 version. u can't use sf on r4.
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    CLEO Help Fish bot help.

    hey yo, i tried do fish bot like auto pressing space, but can't do it can someone help me? here is code, and here is photo i need press space when i get this blue line. {$CLEO} {$INCLUDE SF} wait 2500 $123 = 0 0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @in_rpc 0B34: samp register_client_command...
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    Need help with afk bot.

    So ye, i tried make anti afk bot, on .lua but it's not working i don't know what im doing wrong. There is like table/gui where u need select GREEN text, and if u select wrong it u will write numbers in gui. So i need auto pressing TEXT, TEXT is GREEN. ev = require '' function...
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    CLEO Help command like /ant

    hey can someone make for me command /istraukti > it's like u can get out player with command /istraukti his id and his gonna get out from car like /ant u can cuff the player. get out player from his car*