Recent content by Kelsi235

  1. K

    CLEO Help RPC

    Yea I know but I'd like to hook so I can instantly hide the dialog and send a button press
  2. K

    CLEO Help RPC

    Any1 knows why not all packets trigger the hook? 0BE3: raknet setup_incoming_rpc_hook @hook hook: 0BE5: raknet 28@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID format 26@ "%d" 28@ 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat 26@ I never see any RPC_ScrShowDialog ( 61 ) even after I join the server and register...
  3. K

    CLEO Help Find a certain pickup

    can be closed. assembled the thing and it works
  4. K

    CLEO Help Find a certain pickup

    server renders 6 pickups per map I believe, so having multiple in render shouldn't really be important. But just in case, I wrote this, I'm gonna test it out in a sec 0BB9: samp 1@ = get_pickup_pool_ptr 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // PickupsCount if 2@ > 0 then 0A8E: 2@ =...
  5. K

    CLEO Help Find a certain pickup

    not all pickup models are the same
  6. K

    CLEO Help Find a certain pickup I found this but if someone could explain to me how exactly functions work in cleo? :getPickupIdByModel 0BB9: samp 1@ = get_pickup_pool_ptr 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // PickupsCount if 2@ > 0 then...
  7. K

    CLEO Help Find a certain pickup

    Any ideas how would I get model id of a pickup?
  8. K

    in-game Sync Namestealer/Namechanger

  9. K

    Cops And Robbers 2.6.4 [CODE5GAMING] [PHOENIX 5]

    this is the CODE5 cnr script, the script was sold to new owners 'phoenix 5' gaming and has recieved few minor updates
  10. K

    CLEO Help Command to dialog..

    so like a menu where u can toggle on / off stuff in a cheat for example ?
  11. K

    Anti spec

    this will get you banned you know ?
  12. K

    APP Release python gta mini hack

    also this won't work with every version, I believe offsets r different on r1 r2 r3 dl, i may be wrong