Recent content by lerevenen1

  1. L


    Should stop I didn't test it
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    CLEO Help Drive boat to marker

    Thanks for help but had already found this wich is awsome And used MKKJ cleo to make this: // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP 0B6D: render 10@ =...
  3. L


    Already exist:
  4. L


    I see what you wanna do -.-
  5. L


    SHIFT+D to on/off K to reduce the car life by 200 when activated also display car life
  6. L

    CLEO Help Drive boat to marker

    My code is awful and not finished so it never work fine, and I don't allways get the marker from long range // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- //x2503...
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    CLEO Release PlayerFinder 0.3.7

    OK my bad I saved password and when typing UGBASE.EU WinRAR reverted it to
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    CLEO Release PlayerFinder 0.3.7

    Thanks for sharing, but I'm unable to open it with password: UGBASE.EU
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    CLEO Help Drive boat to marker

    Thanks for all the replies Edited as you said at first it wasn't working and after struggling a long time I found that Sanny Builder wasn't configured correctly and solved the problem with this post Now the player position is correctly displayed
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    CLEO Help Drive boat to marker

    Hi everyone, I want to make a script that drives the boat to marker, I used this snippet, but I don't manage to get it working. So I told myself it should be outdated and tried to update it using this release but failed again. I also tried to display player position using printf "%d %d %d" 1@...