Recent content by Pham Hoang Nam

  1. P

    CLEO Help find memory address

    I need to find the KEY_SPRINT memory address or someone do help me cleo after I press KEY_SPRINT wait 1s then turn off KEY_SPRINT.
  2. P

    CLEO Help How to Lock FPS In SAMP 0.3.DL ?

    I know but I need code can you help me? (My English is a little bad you sympathize)
  3. P

    CLEO Help How to Lock FPS In SAMP 0.3.DL ?

    I need to lock it at 70-80 FPS Can someone help me?
  4. P

    CLEO Help How to stop shooting when I click on the LMB

    Thank, I can stop shooting when i click on the LMB CONST POINT_CONTROLS = 0xB73458 FIRE_BULLET_OFFSET = 34 OFF = 0 LMB = 17 END IF 00E1: player 0 pressed_key LMB THEN $Control = POINT_CONTROLS $Control += FIRE_BULLET_OFFSET 0A8C: write_memory $Control size 4...
  5. P

    CLEO Help How to stop shooting when I click on the LMB

    I don't know how to stop shooting when I click on the LMB. I want to do that to set my own shooting code. Help me please thank everybody.
  6. P

    CLEO Help Help me!

    Can anybody help me?
  7. P

    CLEO Help Help me!

    Hello everyone! I just started writing cleo so I was a bit stupid to need people to teach. I am from Vietnamese so my English is a bit bad. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am writing a cleo to check any dialog box...