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  1. P

    CLEO Release [REL Auto gun /me

    you probably know but in sannybuilder, tools -> options -> formats -> under case enable the "as is" box
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    CLEO Release -[RELEASE]-DeathInfo with extra informations!

    It say that its enabled and all, but I get no message or anything when I get killed :/
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    Help Sampfuncs car color..

  4. P

    Help Sampfuncs car color..

    Hello.. Just wondering if anyone know a fix to sampfuncs that make it NOT change car color when I enter pay'n'spray? so annoying :bawww:
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    CLEO Release Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x]

    Re: {$CLEO Lag.cs [SA-MP 0.3x] Me too, didnt notice it was a picture until I saw your comment.. :table_flip:
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    CLEO Release sa:mp fps limit removal

    I dont really see a use for this other than 'show-off', you wont see any difference if you got a 60hz monitor and 120fps or 4000fps, lol. Ofc it will be good if you got a 120hz or higher, but still not much difference.
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    CLEO Help car lights and engine

    How can I make a cleo that detect if the lights or a engine is on? I want to make it like, if both/one is off, it say a cmd to turn them/it on.