Search results

  1. Amr

    Spawn unsynced faggio

    * Name of the mod : Spawn unsynced faggio * Where you saw it : here * What do you want : the mods spawns an unsynced faggio when i type 'cs' as a cheat and the other players see me pausing * Details: i couldn't find the mod in the releases section .. * On/off key (specify it): typing 'cs' as a cheat
  2. Amr

    NameTagHack & SAMPFUNCS

    * Name of the mod : NameTagHack and the latest version of SAMPFUNCS * Where you saw it : here ... * What do you want : NameTagHack ( a cleo file) and the latest version of SAMPFUNCS. * Details: When i visit the link to NameTagHack ( Link here ) it shows .. see for yourself but .. and it shows...
  3. Amr

    Help Moving The MiniMap!

    How to move the MiniMap ? i want to move the MiniMap because in Dayz server the map has a black thing on it so no one can see the map so i need to move the MiniMap  :urtheman:
  4. Amr

    CLEO Help Stream Range

    Hi! Is there a way to increase the Stream Range in SA-MP (so the Cleo mods Will work Better(Have More range on other players)) ?  :trollface: