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    CLEO Help Need some help with sampfuncs 3.1

    Hi, i use sampfuncs and "reconnect.cs" for samp. If i tape "`" (console) i can`t write. I want know how can i delete this console from sampfuncs. Please help me and sorry for my bad english. Look this photo: If i tape ` (console) i want can write like here...
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    Facebook groups

    Hi everybody. i want a hack or a way to join grops on facebook without accept by administrator.
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    Views on youtube

    i want to know if it`s a way/hack to make views on youtube. thank you so much for help
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    Add coins on site

    I want to know if it`s a way to add coins on this site: thank you so much.
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    [REQ] Never busted by AdmBot

    i play on RPG server, i want to fly with Hydra. i set "NOP RemovePlayerFomVehicle", i can fly with him but AdmBot find me and he give me ban ? You can help me ?
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    Trucker Teleport

    How do I not stay after all races at trucker and I defend only 15.2 km Spiny Bed?
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    Hello Guys, Sorry for my not so good english i hope you understand it. I'm playing on a Roleplay Server. So!I search a tool which able to me to connect 2 accounts .! Also important is that the accounts have other ip adresses. When this is not so theb they woukd get banned for multiaccount. I...
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    No time

    Hi everybody. i am "Arms Dealer" on RP server and i can`t use teleport hack because it`s a limit time before /materials get and deliver. i need to wait 1 minute before i can type again /materials get or deliver. if i do this after 1 minute i have kicked. if its a way to stop time or other way...