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    [0.3DL] My game crashes when resolving RPC_ShowDialog

    I guess having some logs would be useful.
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    Untagged Release MOD S0BEIT FOR SAMP 0.3.DL R1 + SOURCE CODE

    if you think that it's a virus then compile it by yourself
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    Reading CPed pool

    (way way better to read cped pool structure instead of samps one tho)
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    CLEO Help Help is it even possible?

    yup it is
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    [TUTORIAL] Add AntTweakBar into your sobeit

    tbh who would use atb in 2018?
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    how to inject imgui on samp?

    what it has to do with being "noob" in visual studio?
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    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7-R2

    make sure you have an asi loader
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    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7-R2

    drag the asi file into your gta sa's folder
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    Untagged Release Simple ACv2 Aimbot (SRC INCLUDED)

    it's the typical c+p aimbot that you can find everywhere
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    [Help] Create ASI file with just ImGUI

    what about posting what you did so far?
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    imgui and sampfuncs problems

    You definitely need to take a look here: also, make sure your include paths are correct.
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    CLEO Help Raksamp help

    have you tried with a server that is using 0.3.7 R2?
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    CLEO Help Raksamp help

    0.3.7 should work as shown here
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    CLEO Help Raksamp help

    make sure the server is using SA-MP 0.3.7 R2
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    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    0.3.7 R2 CChatWindowPtr: dwSAMPAddr + 0x21A0EC (SampBaseAddr + CNetGameAddr) + 0x3C1 = SettingsPtr
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    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7-R2

    well, you can't directly change it but you can change the activation key by editing the source
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    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7-R2

    does it have to be approved (?)
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    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7-R2

    Description: Simple nametag hack that makes you able to see players through walls. Requirements: SA-MP 0.3.7 R2 and an asi loader. Activation key:  F2 src included
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    Get number of cleo(*.cs) injected into a process

    what do you mean?
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    modloader menu hide

    take a look here
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    Get number of cleo(*.cs) injected into a process

    CLEO 4.1 dwCleoEntry + 0x043154 = number of custom scripts loaded
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    c++ standard functions

    most probably because you are using 'Sleep' on endscene or present
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    SA:MP bot
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    CLEO Help Blocking a function in SAMP Client side

    CPlayerPed::SetArmedWeapon should be at 0xA6920
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    How to start in C++?

    learn the basics of C++ and assembly
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    CLEO Help Auto-select the rock

    you have to get td rock's id and then send fake clicktextdraw rpc with rock's td id
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    Finding Animation Pointer/call

    (actor base + 0x47C) +0x0 ptr to actor base +0x8 ptr to falling/enter car/etc. animations +0xC ptr to swim/wasted/etc. animations +0x10 ptr to jump/jetpack animations +0x14 ptr to various onfoot/in car animations +0x18 ptr to fighting animations +0x1C ptr to crouching animations +0x2C ptr to aim...
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    Help Where can I find RakNetFactory?
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    How to add AntTweakBar to mod_sa? init atb add your variables draw atb you also need to handle keyboard events
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    Untagged Release Obstler cheat menu [Public Version]

    useless source, all of what he did is quite easy
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    Lagshot Trigger

    0xB6F3B8 + 0x79C = 0 after sendinput will make it disappear
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    whats this strange problem with rpc

    bool bGiveOrTake; short int iPlayerID; float fAmmount; int iWeaponID, iBodyPart; parameters->ResetReadPointer(); parameters->Read(bGiveOrTake); parameters->Read(iPlayerID); parameters->Read(fAmmount); parameters->Read(iWeaponID); parameters->Read(iBodyPart); worked for me
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    add activation to this

    here you go
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    The best way To caugh aimbot user[help]

    maybe he's just using silent aimbot, try to log packets near him
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    The best way To caugh aimbot user[help]

    ask him to record his gameplay