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  1. sp3ccccc


    Dont work. only show 100 but the health keep lowering. Is there any fullhp mod that works? At least on B-Zone dont work.
  2. sp3ccccc


  3. sp3ccccc


    we all are gonna die
  4. sp3ccccc

    Samp auto chat typer

    For what u want this mod? to raise your skill automatic? if this is the answer when u type /afind the mod will automatic search for player ID 5, after 2 minutes again the mod will /find 5, and so on.
  5. sp3ccccc

    Samp auto chat typer

    when in game type /afind and wait. thats all ez skill 5
  6. sp3ccccc


    This will be great for RP servers, UP
  7. sp3ccccc

    CLEO Help 0.3.7 R4 Cleo .cs mod crash

    Can you put your cleo mod here please?
  8. sp3ccccc


    * Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): OneFootRecorder.cs * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): * What do you want (the most important part...
  9. sp3ccccc

    Untagged Release Run or Sprint recorded path [0.3.7]

    DUDE someone make this mod INFINITE LOOP, this is awesome for RP servers to not get kicked, u record a patch and move one 1 foot everytime 2 minutes pass, this is great but the only problem is this mod dont have loop option, i wait for this.