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  1. M

    CLEO Help [HELP] Anti-CarCollision.cs

    Hey! I've been trying to use this mod on a server but it makes the cars fly / float around me when I activate it. Does anyone have any idea why that happens and/or how can I fix it? The problem is I tested it with a friend and the floating cars are synced, he could see them too.
  2. M

    [HELP] AutoKeyBinder with delay

    Hey! I'm not sure I'm posting it in the right section, but this one seemed the most appropriate. I'm looking for an AutoKeyBinder which can send different commands delayed by around 20 seconds when I press the desired key. Example: Pressing X will do: some text [delay 20sec] some other text...
  3. M

    CLEO Help Trucks & Trailers

    Hey! Is there any way to force keep the truck's trailer attached? I want it to work with opcode's carrec. Thanks.
  4. M

    CLEO Help [SOLVED] samp say_msg > near_point

    Can someone help me fix this? // This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann ( on 13.10.2007 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'AUTO_CEMENT' 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" :MAIN wait 0 if and 056D:  actor...
  5. M


    Is it possible to send ENTER or ARROW KEYS with Cleo? (NOT IN CHAT!) I want to make a Cleo which sends a command (eg. /buy), then 'presses' a couple times on DOWN ARROW KEY, then on ENTER KEY. The first command opens a menu and I want to select like the 4th or 5th option inside it. I'm new...