Recent content by Bl4ck5t3R

  1. B

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Has anybody a function to read textdraws? Greetz
  2. B

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    thx, works fine  :urtheman:
  3. B

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Sry, i meant your function getPedCarInfo(dwPED) gives me vehicle pointer for ped. Now i want to use thad pointer to get information about the car the ped is in for example, if getPedCarInfo(dwPED)>0 the player is in a vehicle (that i have already) but how do i get carhealth?
  4. B

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    There is the function getPedCarInfo(dwPED)  but how do i get the car dll e.g. from an other player? greetz