Recent content by Danil_Valov

  1. D

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Maybe can you use screenshot after press F8 button from Documents/GTA SA/samp directory?
  2. D

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Re: [AHK] samp UdfEx (0.3.7) Your `getDialogText()` function doesn't return text from list dialog. I updated your function: ; get the text in dialog ; @author Danil_Valov ; @thаnks luxdav aka David_Luchs getDialogText() { if(!checkHandles()) return "" dwAddress := readDWORD(hGTA, dwSAMP +...
  3. D

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Sorry. I forgot to add subfunctions: global SAMP_INFO_SETTINGS_OFFSET := 0x3C5 getTagNameDistance() { if(!checkHandles()) return -1 dwSAMPInfo := readDWORD(hGTA, dwSAMP + SAMP_INFO_OFFSET) if(ErrorLevel) { ErrorLevel := ERROR_READ_MEMORY return -1   } dwSAMPInfoSettings :=...
  4. D

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    I convert WH-script from CLEO to AHK: global SAMP_INFO_SETTINGS_OFFSET := 0x3C5 getTagNameCurrentDistance() { if(!checkHandles()) return -1 dwSAMPInfo := readDWORD(hGTA, dwSAMP + SAMP_INFO_OFFSET) if(ErrorLevel) { ErrorLevel := ERROR_READ_MEMORY return -1   } dwSAMPInfoSettings :=...
  5. D

    AHK SAMP UdfEx (0.3.7)

    Hi guys. The library `AHK SAMP UdfEx` has a function `restart()`, but i need to reconnect to another server. s0beit can do it. Can you help me make this function?
  6. D

    [AHK] Auto add player id in chat

    I updated memory addresses in UDF from s0beit and other sources.
  7. D

    [AHK] Auto add player id in chat

    Emm... I can change the textline using AHK. I made it. But game crashed after 5-7 times of change.
  8. D

    [AHK] Auto add player id in chat

    I'm looking for ahk-script for auto add player id in chat. I wanted to do it myself (i added function setChatLine from function getChatLine: (i updated addresses)) but samp crashed after 5 change (it works first...
  9. D

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    This don't working for me :( I press "F11" and i see: but screen does not change anything... :( P.S. I have clean gta:sa (without mods) + samp 0.3.7.
  10. D

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    Please tell me how to change the interior id in AHK? [hr] I found address for change interior id: 0x00B72914. It's work. Please, add to your script change interior in TeleportToPosition-function. This will help players. Thanks.
  11. D

    AutoHotKey SAMP Trainer that injects ASM Code

    TeleportToPosition(x,y,z)  - this is cool function! Thank you! But your first script in this topic (SAMP Trainer) crash SAMP (after push to Ctrl+Alt+7 for showing list for TP). Please, fix it. Can you make a function for adding IDs of players in chat after nickname (for example...