Recent content by niekshas

  1. N

    m0d_sa Release [Mod Sobeit] for 0.3 DL

    RE: [Mod Sobeit] Menyo for 0.3 DL Insta crash when i try connect to server
  2. N

    CLEO Release auto_getmats.cs

    i dont get it,how it works?  :me_gusta: i put files in CLEO and how to Record way and Play way?...
  3. N

    CLEO Release ProAim.cs

    Use Ctrl and it does not work. :oh_stop_it_u:
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    Untagged Release lev_m0ds :: SAMP cheats [Nov 2021 release]

    Crash..... :me_gusta:
  5. N

    Help ISP banned

    create new computer user
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    CLEO Release NickChanger.cs 0.3z

    :lol: do it without recconect,can u?
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    CLEO Help How make text in sanny builder

    When cleo activated,i need to hear a sound or draw a text on my screen,but i don't know how to do it,help if u can  :somuchwin:
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    S0ntiz /nick
