Recent content by Opcode.eXe

  1. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Help Auto-Engine when reading the text in the chat

    Get the Right Chat Message: First, grab the chat messages with color codes. You can find them in your SA-MP chatlog in the "GTA SA User Files" folder. Search for Key Phrases: Use the “search string in string” thing to hunt down just the important stuff, like "turn on the engine." Don’t go...
  2. Opcode.eXe

    Help Neareast part from vehicle ? Returns the coordinates of the last collision of the specified car
  3. Opcode.eXe

    Help Neareast part from vehicle

  4. Opcode.eXe

    Help Neareast part from vehicle

    Start by finding the car that is closest to your crosshair and save it for reference. This can be done by checking the distance between the crosshair and all nearby cars. Once you have the nearest car, go through all its parts one by one. For each part, calculate how far it is from the...
  5. Opcode.eXe

    Help Neareast part from vehicle

    :GetBikeWheelOffset { Example: 0AB1: call_scm_func @GetBikeWheelPosition 2 bike 0@ componentId 1@ store_to 2@ 3@ 4@ } 0006: 2@ = 4 006A: 2@ *= 1@ // (int) 0A97: 1@ = car 0@ struct 000A: 1@ += 0x5A0 005A: 1@ += 2@ // (int) 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory...
  6. Opcode.eXe

    Help Bugged skin script

    The bug happens when you change CJ's skin to a different character using a skin changer. If you die while using this new character, you might come back to life with a broken or messed-up skin.
  7. Opcode.eXe

    The best days of this game

  8. Opcode.eXe


  9. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Help Sanny Builder - text setting directly from the game! In file .ini

    So, back when I coded CLEO, I was vibin' with those opcodes like 0C17, right? But turns out, that opcode couldn't handle more than 100 characters. So, I switched gears and used a different strlen function. Oh, and about those $VARS, rookie mistake! Gotta stick with the 0@ - 31@ crew and make...
  10. Opcode.eXe

    CLEO Help Small changes to this fishing cleo

    IDK, try this {$CLEO .cs} {$USE ini} {$USE file} {$USE bitwise} {$USE clipboard} {$USE CLEO+} {$USE newOpcodes} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined CONST KEY_ON = 114 //f3 END 0@ = FALSE WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: KEY_ON THEN REPEAT...
  11. Opcode.eXe

    Hey ;)

    Hey ;)
  12. Opcode.eXe

    Yeha... its like losing your favorite pen that was always there :(

    Yeha... its like losing your favorite pen that was always there :(
  13. Opcode.eXe


    Some users requested this mod so here enjoy it: [youtube:16guogdm] Just place it into your CLEO folder and start SAMP.
  14. Opcode.eXe


    Place the ]OP[BOSS_FLY.cs into your CLEO folder. Go ingame and write "FLY" (NOT INTO THE CHAT) To turn off write "FLY" again. WASD = Move left/right/back/forward Rightclick = Fly in looking direction R = Spin around another player in samp ( fly near him ) C = Wank to another player ( fly near...
  15. Opcode.eXe


    Hey... :megusta: :megusta::megusta: Since there isn't any smart, undetectable and LagStyled Toggle Cheat i'll created LagZ.cs [youtube:3i9cwnjq] (THX TO 0X688 FOR HELPING ME) [youtube:3i9cwnjq] (OLD, BUT VIDEO IS VIDEO. [youtube:3i9cwnjq] (OLD, BUT VIDEO IS VIDEO. 🇭🇲 🇭🇲🇭🇲 What is LagZ.cs...