Recent content by qweasdz

  1. qweasdz

    Help [NEED HELP] Send fake cords and send a key?

    Hey, Im trying to find a cleo or ANYTHING that would set my a player coords, and presses Y. I have an AHK setted up that teleports to the coords and presses Y, but it gets very laggy and the AHK gets fucked up. (Its also slow) What im tryin to do is to teleport to a certain coords, and press Y...
  2. qweasdz

    Untagged Release [LUA] PlayerCrasher (OnFoot)

    Little of topic, but why can't i open sobeit f11 menu or activate anything like airbrk by pressing shift with moonloader?
  3. qweasdz

    CLEO Release [IMRP]A Method For Weapon Hacking

    You can just spawn guns in your hand if you are sitting as a passenger. As long as you don't get out of the wehicle/do a drive by, AC doesn't detect that you have the weapon. You can trade/sell it. Works on a lot of big servers, don't know if it works on this particular server tho.
  4. qweasdz

    Girlfriend SNIPPET | Python

    Do i need sampfunc?
  5. qweasdz

    0.3.DL Wanted Level Editor SAMP

    Impossible. Wanted stars is server sided. If you could change wanted stars, you could change money, exp, etc.
  6. qweasdz

    CLEO Help Is is possible to prevent vehicle movement?

    You mean like that server thinks that you going for like 100km/h, but in reality you not moving at all?
  7. qweasdz

    CLEO Help Calling dialogs by ID?

  8. qweasdz

    CLEO Help Calling dialogs by ID?

    Hey, is it possible to call out an dialog by ID? What i mean is, it would be similar like textdraws, if you know the ID of it, you can call it whenever you want. I want the exact thing like textdraws, but with dialogs. Pls don't suggest dialog hider lmao, thanks! (PS. And if its possible, how...
  9. qweasdz

    Anti spec

    Impossible, been trying to do this for about a month. You could do this but then you wont be synced. (Wont load new objects, can't get into cars, etc.) And AC could detect you as a teleport/airbrk.
  10. qweasdz

    [REQ] Aimbot for Samp R-2

    It doesn't exist. for that you would need to hax into samp servers.
  11. qweasdz

    CLEO Help Going to class selection without dying.

    Life saver! Thanks bby <3
  12. qweasdz

    CLEO Help Going to class selection without dying.

    Nope, doesn't work. It just spawns me at 0 coords.
  13. qweasdz

    CLEO Help Going to class selection without dying.

    Title says it all, if i press f4 to go to class selection, i first need to die to get there. Is there a way to go there without dying? Thanks!
  14. qweasdz

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    Still, they dont let me do a driveby if i holding a bazuka, minigun or whatever
  15. qweasdz

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    Request form.: 1. Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Driveby with any weapon. 2. Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): 3. What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully): I want a cleo...