Recent content by Th3-0x04-v3d1m

  1. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    SA-MP API 0.3 (BETA) [0.3.DL]

    Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to the library for MoonLoader 0.26, which will make it possible to write scripts for SA:MP 0.3.DL. In order for the library to work correctly, it is important to observe the following requirements: To have a GTA assembly without too much "garbage" in it...
  2. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    0.3.7 R4 by S E V E N CInput: CInput::CInput(IDirect3DDevice9* pDevice) { ((void(__thiscall*)(CInput*, IDirect3DDevice9*))GetAddress(0x69390))(this, pDevice); } void CInput::GetRect(CRect* pRect) { ((void(__thiscall*)(CInput*, CRect*))GetAddress(0x69400))(this, pRect); } void...
  3. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    by S E V E N (0.3.7 R4) void CChat::RecalcFontSize() { ((void(__thiscall*)(CChat*))GetAddress(0x670E0))(this); } void CChat::OnLostDevice() { ((void(__thiscall*)(CChat*))GetAddress(0x67160))(this); } void CChat::UpdateScrollbar() {...
  4. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    0.3.7 R4 by S E V E N CChat::CChat(IDirect3DDevice9* pDevice, CFonts* pFontRenderer, const char* szLogPath) { ((void(__thiscall*)(CChat*, IDirect3DDevice9*, CFonts*, const char*))GetAddress(0x68340))(this, pDevice, pFontRenderer, szLogPath); } int CChat::GetMode() { return...
  5. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    0.3.7 R4 FUNC_SAMP_SETSPAWNINFO = samp.dll + 0x3BE0 // by S E V E N FUNC_SAMP_SETCOLOR = samp.dll + 0x3EC0 // by S E V E N ToggleHeadMoves = samp.dll + 0x68920 // by S E V E N TestDeathWindow = samp.dll + 0x684C0 // by S E V E N SetPageSize = samp.dll + 0x685B0 // by S E V E N SetFontSize =...
  6. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    [ COLLECTION OF 0.3.7 - 0.*.* OFFSETS ]

    SA:MP 0.3.7 R4 FUNC_SAMP_SPECIALACTION = samp.dll + 0x30F0 // by S E V E N SAMP_HOOK_RPC_HANDLER1 = samp.dll + 0x3AEDD SAMP_HOOK_RPC_HANDLER2 = samp.dll + 0x3AE69
  7. Th3-0x04-v3d1m

    APP Release SA-MP API 0.3 (BETA) [0.3.DL]

    Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to the library for MoonLoader 0.26, which will make it possible to write scripts for SA:MP 0.3.DL. In order for the library to work correctly, it is important to observe the following requirements: To have a GTA assembly without too much "garbage" in it...