Recent content by tieuthienthan

  1. T


    I tried that, don't know if it works or not but the snippet cause a massive fps drop (~4 fps) I'm using it with OpcodeX's for all peds snippet to find all the actor damaged by $PLAYER_ACTOR ForAllPeds: :ForAllPeds 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74490 size 4 virtual_protect 0 000A: 29@ += 0x4...
  2. T


    add more DamagedByActor return value please I tried the below memory address but it doesn't work CPed +0x764 = [dword] Pointer to the ped that damaged you
  3. T

    CLEO Help Reading a structure.... in cleo? Get the current hardware profile.
  4. T

    CLEO Help Need help to get if actor damaged by player, 051A not working

    Yea but the problem is that in that server, the opcode 051A: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR damaged_by_actor 31@ doesn't work. I tried to modify a little and sadly nothing showed up when the player_actor is damaged by other actors {$CLEO .cs} wait 10000 while true wait 0 ms DeathInfo() end...
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    CLEO Help Need help to get if actor damaged by player, 051A not working

    Hello there, I'm trying to make a hitmarker on my own. To do so, I need to find out when an actor is hit by $player_actor but now I'm in a mess because the opcode 051A is not working as expected. What I've tried: Using ForAllPeds by Opcodex: {$CLEO .cs} wait 10000 while true wait 0...
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    CLEO Help Lost CLEO Snippets from Date 12-4-20 to 3-13-21

    I have some but they're not mine... Should I post them?
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    CLEO Help Accept gurad

    You didn't even try to translate your problem into English
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    CLEO Help Commands

    Give me your Discord, I used to play on that server. You can send me all the information about the cleo you want to make instead of creating threads for each function here
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    CLEO Help Commands

    server's IP?
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    CLEO Help Commands

    which SAMP version?
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    CLEO Help Help me with coding

    alright {$CLEO .cs} wait 10000 10@ = 0 while true wait 0 if and 0AB0: 16 // shift 0AB0: 65 // a 10@ == 0 then 0AD1: "123" 500 wait 500 10@ = 1 end if and 0AB0: 16 // shift 0AB0: 65 // a 10@ == 1...
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    [C++ mod_sa] Reconnect Fix 0.3.DL

    great job
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    CLEO Help Help me with coding

    provide more information
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