alright so i am trying to insert the IDs that the guy said "10954 19055 19056 19057 19058"
when i go to sanny builder says "Unknown directive thread "p1cador". and i tried to make the script like this
so i basically need the IDs that i already specified to be inside this script, can you help me make this man please?
thanks in advance.
and yeah, i just need a script that will show me those ID's (they are giftboxes) inside of a samp server
i've never done this before, i used chatgpt so yeah preciate the help man (if u can do it)
Oh I see the message I put 5 years ago, nice. You should be able to compile that if you have the correct version of Sannybuilder w/ sampfuncs SDK installed. See this post and Parazitas reply if you struggle.
Also that .cs won't work anyway as 31@ from 0B51 opcode doesn't return the model ID rather the "HANDLE" which is different.
Alot of the original code has been removed including the part that does return the model ID.
Anyways this ObjectFinder use to work good for me when I wanted this before.
If not then we can modify that Pickup scanner properly to locate those presents (which btw ID 10954 should be 19054 noob @Fr0z3n).
alright so, i need it for a specific server, and if they check my PC they will find this multihack and ban me, i need something more "unfindable" such as this cleo script or any other one and i downloaded a cleo cryptor and the guy whos gonna be checking my pc is not gonna find it because he's not that advanced
and yea i already told u i've never done this i did it w/ chatgpt who is fucking dumber than me so yeah
i found a new one
i wanna edit it but whenever i try to it says either "Unknown parameter type 6Fh at offset 19."
or when i wanna compile it it says "Unknown directive SAMP.Available."
how do i fix that? this one works perfectly as well
okay, i did that - whenever i open it it gives me a choice do i want to use the original or decompile it ; i click decompile it gives me an error - i fixed it by clicking ignore_unknown
afterwards, when i got the decompiled file which is:
so, whenever i try to edit my file for ex. from objectfindersettings.ini to replace it with hud.ini it gives me the error:
Not enough actual parameters. Expected 1 params. on 0058 Char.MarkAsNeeded()
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