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  1. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    Error print "on" 1337 - print "off" 1337 :bawww:
  2. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    Unable to "OFF" is, it still does not stop running .  :yesyes:
  3. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    ^ Code error ...  Incorrect hexadimal value :NONAME_4. ... :yesyes:
  4. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    How to add Activation/Deactivation User was warned for this post.
  5. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    I want have OFF because if no off admin will banned. :(( I need you help again.  :yesyes:
  6. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    Uppp , plz , ON/OFF
  7. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    Plz , OFF  :yesyes:
  8. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    Thanks you very much but it only "ON", no"OFF". I want have OFF because if no off admin will banned. :(( I need you help again.
  9. Y

    CLEO Help [HELP]I don't know code key press.

    Hi guys, I have a cleo increased health but no key press. I need someone help add code test_cheat and show_text_highpriority. Thanks you!!! // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs}...