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  1. S

    CLEO Help [LUA] Cant use any Loops in command, crashes

    Thanks so much guys love you all the codes you guys gave didnt work, but i did the create thread thing on the old code and it works function main() if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end...
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    CLEO Help [LUA] Cant use any Loops in command, crashes

    how to add loop in a cmd code, my game crash when i add any kind of loop in the code like while true do or repeat until example: function main() if not isSampLoaded() or not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end...
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    CLEO Help Is Player visible on radar

    not actualy player defined function has distance limit thats the problem im talking about even if the player is on same world as me, if he is far from me in map like 1000 or 2000 meters it will show the player as Undefined samp only defines player within 1000 meters if a player is far...
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    CLEO Help Is Player visible on radar

    Exactly but how I can i let the script know they are in another world,,,so I can print a info that the player is on another virtual world
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    CLEO Help Is Player visible on radar

    Hello guys there is any way if i can check if a player is visible on radar with blip why i need this check is because the opcode 0B2F: samp get_streamed_out_player_pos 4@ to 28@ 29@ 30@ gives the coordinates of players from different virtual world like example if your in freeroam you will get...
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    CLEO Help Cutout specifed string out of a string

    is it cleo or lua i havent learned lua it looks harder than cleo
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    CLEO Help Cutout specifed string out of a string

    hello guys i need to cut out the text Occurred Polozhenie after killed and its ID too from this chat string * 7Killer(59) killed Polozhenie(109) (Weapon: Sawn-off Shotgun) (Distance: 12m) the ones marked in red are not permanent texts it can be random any string or any value the ones writen...
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    CLEO Help Ignore SetVehicleLights or GetVehicleLightsStatus from Server

    idk how to hack memory adress or things like that, i just know to make scripts expect this memory hack stuff, file hex and stuff can you do it for me?
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    CLEO Help Ignore SetVehicleLights or GetVehicleLightsStatus from Server

    hello guys im using a ELM cleo mod which animates the front headlights which turns off or on the front headlights separatly but the problem is the server sync which continuesly turns on lights if it detects the vehicle lights are off is there anyposible way of ignoring the (Get vehicle lights...
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    CLEO Help TextDraw Disappears after Set Pos

    guys i fixed it without the snippet the Problem here was the cordinates must be float im just a fucking noob damn, it was just a timer textdraw and its position is annoying to me the textdraw is always there on ID 40 so no need of a scanner the old coords 601 352 the new coords...
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    CLEO Help TextDraw Disappears after Set Pos

    thanks and i found it and how can i use a snippet like this i tried puting it in loop and got crashed and where will i enter the cords, im very noob scripter pls help :SetTextdrawPosition { 0.3.7 - R1 0AB1: @SetTextdrawPosition 3 ID 1000 XY 320.0 224.0 } IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" THEN...
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    CLEO Help TextDraw Disappears after Set Pos

    hi guys i just wanted to change a positon of textdraw but when when i do it the textdraw disapears i even tried set it at its original position of textdraw but still it disapears whenever this opcode applies 0C51: samp textdraw 1@ set_pos 601 352
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    CLEO Help Sanny Builder Issues

    Sorry for late guys the both codes are working the problem was the #elegy if 0137: car 0@ model == 572 i changed it to if 0137: car 0@ model == #elegy and it works
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    CLEO Help Sanny Builder Issues

    i removed all the mods only kept gta sa and cleo i also tried your code ELEGY Detector but it doesnt detect so i added a 0ACD: show_text_highpriority "1" time 2000 before the IF command of the model check it shows the "1" but doesnt show the I'm driving an Elegy Text instead it...
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    CLEO Help Sanny Builder Issues

    i copyied that but still no help i created a small test script to test some opcodes {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP thread 'cam' :test wait 0 if and key_down 16 key_down 38 jf @test print "1" 1000 wait 300 if Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) jf @test print "2"...
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    CLEO Help Sanny Builder Issues

    Hello guys i have issues with sanny builder first i had issue where sanny builder doesnt recognise key_down it shows it as unknown directive i fixed it by droping ini and opecods from SAMPFuncs second i had one issue i fixed it by change upper case to As if in settings (thanks to Parasite bro...