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    CLEO Help Nametag

    neimanoma zaist man asmeniskai [hr] BLOODY HELL MEN THANK YOU!@!@!@!@ WHAT IS DIFFERENT IN THIS SAMP CLIENT?? god bless you!!
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    CLEO Help Nametag

    first of all sorry for this terrible english skills. So about 4 months ago i was playing samp and this nametag( was working normally after that i took a brake,now after 4 months its not working anymore , after loading...
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    CLEO Help cleo cheat

    game is crashing for no reason
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    CLEO Help cleo cheat

    it does work but car is indestructible now, before your edit it was normal.
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    CLEO Help cleo cheat

    car is immortal now :D
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    CLEO Help cleo cheat

    Ką padarysi kai nesurandu pagalbos rašydamas Lietuviškai, o anglų kalba sekasi ne per geriausiai todėl nereikia manes dėl to smerkt [hr] thank you very much!! i really appreciate that.
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    CLEO Help help with cleo script

    im putting the code wrong or i dont know something, put it for me and add attachment pls
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    CLEO Help help with cleo script

    hey i have big problem with another script.i have no idea how to edit this but, i want that this script would write only a part of nickname .Example: not /vaziuoju Joseph_John but /vaziuoju josep . how to do that? i tried everything nothing seems to work everytime i change ''%s'' samp crashes i...
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    CLEO Help cleo cheat

    i thought maybe there's someone who is chilling and dont have what to do and could edit this for me [hr] or give me any idea how to change it
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    CLEO Help cleo cheat

    change this and make it on/off version, because now i have to hold L to active it. its tankmode.
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    [request] cleo script

    Hey guys can you change this tankmode cleo script make it on/off ? holding L to activate the cheat, its so annoying. sorry for my bad english writing.