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  1. M

    CLEO Help Weapon Switcher

    Hi, So I modified a switcher that I found off google but I can't seem to make "1" work on my keyboard. It is supposed to switch to fist. I'm a complete beginner so help would be appreciated. // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG...
  2. M

    CLEO Help Question - manual siren

    Hello, I need a favour. Can this be easily updated to 0.3DL or does this need to be rewritten? I think it has sampfuncs code & I need it on 0.3DL. It's a manual siren cleo. Please let me know, thanks. PS: Perfectly working on 0.3.7 R1 without SAMPFUNCS but I can make no use of it.
  3. M

    CLEO Help Cleo activation key change request

    Hey, can someone change the activation key of this skin aimbot from ALT+1 to CAPSLOCK? Much appreciated. LINK: