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    Untagged Release [TuT]-Mats running bot.

    No matter what, at some point, you will collide into a player and that's when you risk getting caught.
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    0.3z API for AHK

    Can anyone update the addresses? I don't know how.
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    CLEO Help SAMP Message Box

    Is there a way to make a script that can show a message box with a certain text in it through a command? I sometimes forget certain things and would like to have an ingame way to check them without alt tabbing.
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    CLEO Release SmartObjectFinder bY M1ZG4RD

    Works great. Is there a way to search for multiple objects?
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    CLEO Release SilentAim.cs [0.3z]

    Re: [CLEO] SilentAim.cs [0.3z] Can you post source so we can change the hotkey? I get a decompiling error with SANNYB.
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    CLEO Release Skin-Aimbot.cs - without 180° spin

    I love this hack, but it seems to aim slight to the right instead of dead on. This makes it sometimes troublesome.
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    CLEO Release Anti Alt-tab by MogAika

    I am on SF 3.1.1; I only mentioned 2.6 because that what the the creator suggested. Cleo 4.1 is what I'm using, and I do have silent's ASI loader. It might just be a W8 problem
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    CLEO Release AutoCmdSenderv2.0 - UNLIMITED KEYBINDS!

    How can I modify the saying @ location to work when I'm in a vehicle? It works on foot just fine, but not in a car.
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    CLEO Release Anti Alt-tab by MogAika

    I'll give this mod a second try with 3.1.1 and 2.6 SF. I think it might've been my cleo ver. Edit: [20:50:39] Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x469FB7 [20:50:40] Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x71E9ACD2 That's what I get on startup. I can window mode just fine, it's when I...
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    CLEO Release Anti Alt-tab by MogAika

    Seems to not work in 0.3z