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  1. G

    CLEO Help SAMPFUNS An error occurred

    Did you update your SAMP to RC1 0.3.7?
  2. G

    CLEO Help Help with this Turbo Speed script.

    Hey I found this turbo scrip but it gives me a lot of warnings when a car is despawned. this erros. [23:03:49] Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x4082C0 [23:03:49] Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x0 [23:03:49] Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x0 [23:03:49] Warning(s007)...
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    Untagged Release skinAimbot [Updated]

    Is it undetectable?¿
  4. G

    CLEO Release SmartObjectFinder bY M1ZG4RD

    That's impressive
  5. G

    CLEO Release [RELEASE] Set car color v2 [Sync]

    :angry: got kicked for hacking x.x