Search results

  1. Forever18

    G-AC Bypass simple gui menu

    video: discord: status: still updating but the first verison is out credit to :Vanitydev
  2. Forever18


    Hello. for how many months i've been approaching each ugbase member in discord to ask if they make custom cheats for samp. Some are not coders and mostly of the coders are busy/no time. So instead i decided to post here. What do i need? 1st autoscroll. dll for sawn - why not use cleo or other...
  3. Forever18

    Buying custom cheat

    Hello. for how many months i've been approaching each ugbase member in discord to ask if they make custom cheats for samp. Some are not coders and mostly of the coders are busy/no time. So instead i decided to post here. What do i need? 1st autoscroll. dll for sawn - why not use cleo or other...
  4. Forever18

    Trading powerful AHK Cbug

    Hi im trading a power AHK Script Cbug for a injectable private aimbot that works on any weapon and Works on SAMP client specially R4 Video : - ACCURATE AND FASTER - can do 1 tap or 2 tap - its not detectable on any server except to those server who has anti cbug and Those server who use...
  5. Forever18

    add function

    so i succesfully code my aimbot ahk using SAMP UDF but the sniper part doest lock to a player anyone can help me?
  6. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    * Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one):redmarkerchecker * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):in my mind * What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully)i need a cleo or exe. When i...
  7. Forever18

    Untagged Release Lua Nametag

    So i will share some lua scripts for u guys This script made by  hnnssy  A simple hack for the sampa, including the drawing of the usual nemtegov players through walls and at great distances. During the screenshot is disconnected for a short time. Automatically deactivated when unloading...
  8. Forever18

    help me to fix this!

    so im having this problem crash after playing a while please look i really need to fix this   SA-MP 0.3.7 Exception At Address: 0x007F18CF Base: 0x056B0000 Registers: EAX: 0x00020000    EBX: 0x00000000    ECX: 0x00000178    EDX: 0x185AE838 ESI: 0x2036CF94    EDI...
  9. Forever18

    CLEO Help Crash log

    Im having this problem  amybe can someone tell me how to fix this ?
  10. Forever18

    SAMPFUNCS problem

    So yesterday when i play samp my gta got a probel my gta.exe stop working everytime i join i a server. Before my sampfuncs/ SAMP doesnt stop working . idk whats the problem . i tried to remove the sampfuncs and it loads the game without any problem  but when i put again . gta stop working ...
  11. Forever18

    default speed

    so im always having a mistake on my ahk script maybe someone know what's the default speed of right click,left and c button when it press once and fast ? like 14ms ? or 64 ms ?
  12. Forever18

    CLEO Help Pause all clea except 3 or 4 cleos

    Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): pausecleo.cs * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):in my mind and other pause cleo * What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully) I need a...
  13. Forever18

    Ahk scipters

    So i just recently learned about making script for Ahk. but just basic of it,it takes an hour to learned the basic just watching on youtube. So maybe there are some ahk pro scripter willing to help/teach me how to code a script /script cheat for samp ? OOOOOOOOOOO please pm me if u are willing...
  14. Forever18

    Posible CLEO MENU

    Does this PAUSE cleo menu EXIST ? Its like there is a big MENU like obsler will pop up then inside there  all CLEO.cs u have inside ur Cleo folder are listed and there is a setting wether u pause that specific cleo folder or resume it again    CLEO               Toggle Run.cs             ...
  15. Forever18

    CLEO Help Help remove txt

    hello everyone well i need some help or tutorial how to remove the cleo txt of cleo version 4.3.21 i already know how to remove cleo txt on cleo 4.1 i learnm it here but i dont know how  to remove txt on cleo 4.3.21 cus the...
  16. Forever18

    ASI version of this

    hello everyone .. today i would like to request a asi version of this cleo named sensiAdjust.cs  ill explain what cleo is this *** ** this cleo make specific gun sensitivity   adjust example deagle = low sensitivity sawn =high sensitivity the problem is i want it to make a ASI version of...
  17. Forever18

    Green triangle aimbot

    im requesting a aimbot that only locks enemy when the green triangle appeared to there head when i am on  them any activison thx cleo or asi
  18. Forever18

    Razor macro's users help

    hello everyone i recently bought razor mice and it has macro on it so maybe there are some  member that can help me make a macro for samp  im noob on making macro's but i make macro for bloody but its different from razor
  19. Forever18

    Kill list doesnt show [Help]

    recently i reinstall my whole gta,samp so mabe i can fix  a cleo that give's me a slow motion; but after reinstalling the whole gta and samp when i play samp the death kill or the death lish doesnt show up i try to press f9 and still doesnt work and i try to press again still doesnt work any...
  20. Forever18

    A crosshair like this!

    is there any one knoww's this crosshair? can u send plz
  21. Forever18

    CLEO Help slowmotion Gta [Help]

    well my hardisk was brok and i bought  a new one after that i install gta back and all the cleo's but sometimes some other cleo when i put it in cleo folder then i join the game the game will slowmotion and the .cs  doesnt work it will just slowmotion everything  does anyone know how  to fix...
  22. Forever18

    simple Aimbot .asi *REQUEST*

    I notice that when i use cleo my game fps is dropping 50 fps become 30 below so i AM requesting a asi aimbot that works . i dont know how to create a asi cheats   ****************************************** Name of the mod : AIMBOT.ASI what does it do ? : just lock the target enemy * Activision...
  23. Forever18

    CLEO Help Convert wave sound to Mp3 format

    can someone teach me how to make this sounds make convert to mp3 format explaination THe p1_bell is a mp3 format when it puts to the cleo folder then u shoot to a player it will do a DING sound so i have a sound pack but it is a WAVE does anyone know how to convert it for me ?> so...
  24. Forever18

    Car lights on/off Request

    hello everyone im finding a mod for samp that u can turn the lights in the front of the car its ok if im the only 1 who can see it <3 thx
  25. Forever18

    CLEO Help Streaminextender.cs Failed

    we know that the  Streaminextender.cs make the game fps get more higher but the game will have no sound. My problem is when i put the  .cs in my cleo folder and start the game  there is still a sound  and the fps is low . before im using Streaminextender.cs  but after my hard-disk was broken...
  26. Forever18

    It Doesnt Run [Help]

    Hello everyone   :PPFFH:  Sorry if this is not the right section that i post  Well the problem is 1 week Before i was playing samp and it load game but and this week when i  open samp server it load greatly  but when i try to coonect/Join the server  The game it self Doesnt load .. i try To...
  27. Forever18

    CLEO Release Vape/Smoke on samp[Release]

    Hello everyone today i want to release this cleo here  what it does it do?  Make your PEd Vape Activision /Vape then press crtl or LMB Requirements  Latest sampfuncs  and Cleo 4.1  Credits 2 : AIR well ill send a rar file  Inside of the rar file is  cigar.dff cigar.txd  make your cigar to...
  28. Forever18

    CLEO Release Aimbot by P1cador [Release]

    Hello everyone today ill share you my Friends aimbot. thiis one is private but he made it public share it to others <3  Description  this aimbot follows player even at wall and lock at the target even its far a little bit Oh! advantage on this aimbot  it lock the target without aiming first ...
  29. Forever18

    CLEO Release Silent aim 9.0 by opcoder

    hello i came to another web and i was shock that some gg rusians  release the primium silent aim 9.0 version by opcoder so ill share it all so #nohardfeelings here  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v9.0 update logs  + Updated the old crawls under the new anti-cheat + Cut option BadData - it is useless...
  30. Forever18

    CLEO Release Chatlog [release]

    hello ..ill share this usefull cleo credits_by_Ded_Fedot activision :auto *just put the .cs in cleo folder and join server then if u want to see the chatlog  go to your cleo folder then u will see a folder named Chatlog open it by note pad or ETC *thx
  31. Forever18

    same pc mac adresss

    hello i got banned on a server  and telling me that im that man  heere is the whole story morning yesterday i log in to  a server  and i play then another player is insulting admins name by using like this (example opcodemumsucjk) like that  and he gut punish by admin and that time i quited the...
  32. Forever18

    i got blame object stealer

    lol i got piss at the server i played for how many years :-/ cus when i log in then after 3 minutes i got banned for  map/oblject stealing even i dont know how to make server xD  .. what should i do so they will beleive me that i dont use map cheats ? :C [hr] well i realise that is the...
  33. Forever18

    poor,pro aim ahk [realse

    heello this ahk script have aimbot  this aimbot is poor aim very detectable also ts shitty aimbot.Dont work for sawn-off, uzi, tecs, sniper rifle. Anticheat can detect and dont work on some servers . .activation auto instation run samp first /join a server then right click the script run...
  34. Forever18

    CLEO Release Lock status (release)

    this modified  carstatus lock is better than , dlock.cs activision /lockstatus Requirements SAMPFuncs V5.2+ | CLEO V4.1+ .  or the latest sampfuncs when u type /lockstatus then u go near to a car if u see a green txt means its unlock if it is red means its lock
  35. Forever18

    CLEO Release WTF AIMBOT [realease]

    hello  gladly  i found a aimbot but its private . like the said . but u can find this aim at youtube . but its not easy to find . activision ALT   maybe hold alt or press alt . credits to the owner . what doest it do ? ok example you didnt aim at the player if u shoot it automaticaly...
  36. Forever18

    CLEO Help [put]help

    hello can someone put an activision of this hack if i press numpad 2 it will show a word activated
  37. Forever18

    The best way To caugh aimbot user[help]

    well hello again so i made this thread for a little help :-/   currently i am playing at Gamerx and this last 1 month a guy registered at gamerx and still playing now , so i duel him manny times i got rekt also other old players,admins and pro old players  at gamerx got wreck by him so i...
  38. Forever18

    CLEO Release New invincible,cs [Rel]

    hey guys ,  i ll release this   nice and troll cleo you can also kill people even you are invicible work any version of samp easy activision f2 can change activision key at ini file can change dept also at ini here . ty :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
  39. Forever18

    3rd Party mod

    guys can u explain me what is this really  ??? is this hack detector or ETC ?
  40. Forever18

    how to BAn avade at gamerx

    i try to ban avade to the gamerx and it was succesfully i change my ip then after a week they banned me saying that i am old player  and i just banned avade i dont know how they knew that i am ban avading  i didnt tell anyone that i am ban avading is there any trick to by pass there logs ...
  41. Forever18

    CLEO Help obsler aim [snipit][not fix]

    guys can you fix this code??  when i turn off the panic key and i want to turn it back it doest work any more  please fix it and post the attachment ty // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 24.2.2014 {$CLEO .cs}...
  42. Forever18

    CLEO Help can activison aimbot [here

    some one change the activision of this aimbot origanl activision crtl  change it to 1 not numpad 1 but the 1 above the letter q of the keyboard
  43. Forever18

    Ugbase movie

    hello guys  i suggest that ugbase should have a Movie like  obsler but more beautiful that obsler about how powerful our hax are  so ugbase will have manny member to join anyone agree ?  :oh_stop_it_u:
  44. Forever18

    CLEO Help Object remover

    hello guys i have only 1 problem in my gta it give me lags :CC i try all trick and searh for google  how to fix lag and nothing work for me still i get lags in samp :C also gamerx have a lot of object  and i try to use streamextender.streamemoryfix .asi also  all give me lags...
  45. Forever18

    Convert cleo to SF

    is there any application that make .cs to .sf ?? please ?? i want to convert all my .cs file to .sf
  46. Forever18

    CLEO Help Dynamic bar error

    hello every one when i put the dynamic vars ,cleo or this topic then ill join in samp it show like this
  47. Forever18

    need this cleo

    hello guys i wonder if there is any cleo that give mOre damage in punching samp like im punching a player then his health deacres more maybe half  1 punch man xD please if u have give to me :D :oh_stop_it_u:
  48. Forever18

    silent aim for logcomp off and on look

    here is the silent aim that can be logcomp on or off look comment if u are amaze
  49. Forever18

    CLEO Help samp sound remover

    hello guys  can someone help me i need to remove samp sound i dont use crashes.cs and streamextender.cs both remove sound but crashes.asi give me infite sniper bug and streamextender doest not work for me please give me other option then dont tell me to mute my computer to get fps
  50. Forever18

    Gta help fix esc

    hello again every one so did u try that when u run samp then your ingame when u pause your game by pressing esc  so you will go to gta menu but you cant press esc back or you cant select any game,settings you cant select that its just moving up and down how to fix it > when i press...
  51. Forever18

    CLEO Help timecyc.cs help

    ok everybody knows Opcode timecyc.cs Right? can someone help me to reedit the cleo i want it to get lower timecyc maybe 600 thingy ty i want auto 600 time cyc
  52. Forever18

    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program: C:\Users\(MyUser)\

    omg can someone help me to fix my samp i dont know what happen when i press connect to an server it show like this Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program: C:\Users\(MyUser)\Documents\GTA SA\gta_sa.exe
  53. Forever18

    CLEO Help UgBasse logo Request for samp

    can someone give me a ugbase logo FOR INGAME in samp ? like Opcode when he had a video he had a little ugbase logo please share with me please ?? :youdontsay:
  54. Forever18

    i cant see the sreenshots problem

    hell every one can someone help me this is my problem then i press f8 then screenwshots have been save then i go to my gta san user folder then go to screen shots it doest show up or save  how to fix it ? :bawww:
  55. Forever18

    CLEO Help Change Activison Help

    hello guys well im noob at changing activision key so please can someone help me to change this activison key here the aimbot that work for sniper "springfield aimbot original activition f12 please make it letter R or shift or left ctrl > ? please ? ty very much in advance :)
  56. Forever18

    Topic For *Barter Cleo*

    hello everyone  :dont_care: now i suggest that ugbase should make a barter cleo thread its for exchanging cleo *no involve money* example springfield wants a anti headshot so someone will reply to his post and that guy have anti headshot.cs but he also want a sniper aimbot so they will...
  57. Forever18

    CLEO Help AHK Cbug help

    guys i have auto hot key but i dont know how to use it in samp for the cbug AHK can someone guide me ot teach me  :yesyes:
  58. Forever18


    HELLO GUYS SO I THINK YOU WILL FAP IF YOU TRY THIS CLEO BEST!!! :trollface: - SCOREBOARD SO when you press tab you will see all player  list score ,id and ping so this cleo will make it fake only in scoreboard (TAB) but it is sync here activision presss ~    so your sampfunc console...
  59. Forever18

    CLEO Release Invisible Weapon Hook [I.W.H.

    hello ill share this guys -welcome everyone . I play with hooks and found a cool bypass . With this script you can spawn firearms and kill their players , but you do not will kick or banned . It does not work on all servers . Everything is done in the console SAMPFuncs. press ~ thos botton...
  60. Forever18

    Car neon

    hello guys here is a cleo for cars you can use it for making movie car thingy activision / type neonon in keyboard then you can change color by typing neonwhite.neonyellow or other colors just put neonthen the color like this TYPE IN THE KEYBOARD NEONPINK NEONRED
  61. Forever18

    CLEO Release TIMEFREEZE.cs

    HELLO AGAIN badass ugbase  :urtheman: ill realese thes  cleo timefreeze.cs activision /tf you need sampfunc latest  .if you want to credit me its ok > ill give to others >  :urtheman:
  62. Forever18


    hello guys :D  can someone change the activision key of this SP aimbot >>??  orignal activsion is M make it Letter R please?
  63. Forever18


    FIrst =  Hostname: Next Generation Roleplay (0.3.7) IP/Port: use this cheat for - weapon hack is not detectable in here . hack , a sniper . you will not get banned SECOND Hostname: San Fierro Cops And Robbers...
  64. Forever18

    hello i am forever15

    Hello niggas   :urtheman:  i am forever15  i am new year here in ugbase got invited by opcode  :ugbase:  :omg_run: i love dm  :oh_stop_it_u: i love silent aimbot also i want to talk to my idol springfield  0x688  and Opcode the  hero  :forever_hurra: :fuck_yea:  . hove you accept me...
  65. Forever18

    TURN indicators for cars :)

    Hello lovers :)  :trollface: a cLeo for a roleplayers :)   z= Left turn signal x=emergency gang c= right turn signal i dont own any credits ,