Search results

  1. Parazitas

    World is Wide

    Hello everyone. How you guys doing so far?
  2. Parazitas

    CLEO getCollisionBetweenPoints

    :getCollisionBetweenPoints { 0AB1: @getCollisionBetweenPoints 18 from 0@ 1@ 2@ to 3@ 4@ 5@ solid 1 car 1 actor 1 object 1 particle 1 cartyre 1 bikers 0 water 0 DeadPeds 0 see_through 0 camera_objects 0 shoot_through 0 store_to 6@ 7@ 8@ distance_to 9@ entity_to 10@ 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ +...
  3. Parazitas

    CLEO getAimPoint

    :getAimPoint { 0AB1: @getAimPoint 0 _Returned: camera_to 4@ 5@ 6@ point_to 7@ 8@ 9@ } 0470: 31@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon 31@ *= 0x70 // BLOCK_SIZE_OFFSET 31@ += 0xC8AAB8 // CWEAPON_INFO_OFFSET 31@ += 0x8 // WEAPON_RANGE_OFFSET 0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 1...
  4. Parazitas


    :GET_CAMERA_FACING_ANGLES //0AB1: @GET_CAMERA_FACING_ANGLES 0 Z_AND_Y 0@ 1@ 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 1@ 2@ 3@ 0AA6: call_method 0x514970 struct 0xB6F028 num_params 6 pop 0 0xA49994 0xA499A0 3@ 2@ 1@ 20.0 0AB1: call_scm_func @getYAngleBetweenPoints_ULKXK 6 from_XYZ $13 $14...
  5. Parazitas

    Help Calculation problem when window mode active

    Position Is matching perfectly until i activate window mode. So does anyone know how to accurately calculate everything? Example in cleo code {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined...
  6. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some multi-samp snippets

    :get_samp_version_id // 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _returned: ID 0@ 30@ = 0 IF 0AA2: 31@ = "samp.dll" // IF and SET THEN 31@ += 0x128 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 31@ size 4 virtual_protect 1 IF 29@ == 0x5542F47A THEN // 0.3.7 R1 30@ = 1 END IF 29@ == 0x59C30C94...
  7. Parazitas

    Mouse MOVE EVENT

    Snippet which allows you to call mouse events. With these functions you can move the Gta Sa Camera. Usually these snippet is used for aimbots and other things.. Originally made by @Opcode.eXe and lost after forum updates.. :MouseMOVE_RIGHT // 0AB1: @MouseMOVE_RIGHT 0 0AA2: 31@ = load_library...
  8. Parazitas

    Small talk

    Hello. How's going everyone during Christmas period?? Made all plans? Having fun?
  9. Parazitas

    Untagged Release [PROJECT] No SAMPFUNCS

    This thread will be updated and i add more things in future... For now you can download and use: 1. Vehicle recorder 2. OnFoot recorder 3. Cleo Control ~~ Vehicle recorder ~~ Commands: 1. /vr rec route name - Start recording new vehicle route 2. /vr play route name - Start playing vehicle...
  10. Parazitas

    Delete file

    Snippet deleting files from directory with specified name.. Opcode 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\log.txt" doesn't work with formated text directory. To delete file you can use this snippet.: :DeleteFile { 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 0@ = format "cleo\Stop.ini" 0AB1...
  11. Parazitas


    This snippet returns how actor was damaged. Author: @ajom Some changes by: @Parazitas Snippet :isActorDamaged { Use: IF 0AB1: @isActorDamaged 1 ActorHandle: $PLAYER_ACTOR _Returned: DamagedBy 0@ } 0A96: 31@ = actor 0@ struct 0A8E: 30@ = 31@ + 0x760 // DamageID Offset 0A8D: 29@ =...
  12. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Damage Type

    Does any one know how to get damage type for single / multiplayer. When Player Actor gets damage from collision return 1 or from weapon return 2 etc...
  13. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Get / Set current dialog list item

    OPCODES: 0B48: samp 1@ = get_current_dialog_list_item 0B49: samp set_current_dialog_list_item 1@ Without SAMPFUNCS Snippets.: 0.3.7 - R1 :Get_current_dialog_list_item { 0.3.7 - R1 0AB1: @Get_current_dialog_list_item 0 0@ } 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x21A0B8 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz...
  14. Parazitas

    [Fixed] Problem - memory

    Hello. So.., i have problem with Game Text address reading 0xBAACC0 + GameText_ID = GameText With cheat engine works fine.. But when i tried read it in cleo it makes my game crash. I think there's problem with check if return isn't null. How it looks when game text exist How it looks when...
  15. Parazitas

    Get Screen Resolution

    Code return: Screen resolution with float and int format . Everything depends which one you need use in your code... :getScreenResolution //0AB1: @getScreenResolution 0 ScreenX {Float} 0@ ScreenY {Float} 1@ ScreenX {int} 2@ ScreenY {int} 3@ 0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0xC17044 size 4...
  16. Parazitas

    Rainbow Stuff

    1. Rainbow Car - 0.3.7 - R1 2. Ranbow Chat or Dialog Text - 0.3.7 - R1 3. Rainbow Crosshair 4. Rainbow Vehicle Lights 5. No need to know 6. No need to know
  17. Parazitas

    Gta sa Memories...

    Hello. How's going? P.S. Maybe Someone have " Money X " position memory address , i can't find it...
  18. Parazitas


    It affects in only 1 frame. It means that you have to call this in every frame and you can use this to any objects. :ATTACH // 0AB1: @ATTACH 6 AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR attach_to_object 0@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 on_bone 6 0A9F: 6@ = current_thread_pointer 000A: 6@ += 0x44 0A96: 7@ = actor 0@ struct...
  19. Parazitas

    Types of Sign Check and Sources , etc...

    Sign Check - Dialog Source samp 0.3.7 R*- 0.3.DL: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 0AC8: 4@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AD3: 4@ = format "Sign check" WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0AB1: @get_samp_version_id 0 _Returned: ID 1@ IF 0AB1: @isDialogOpen...
  20. Parazitas

    Name Tags

    Someone know max NameTags draw Distance?
  21. Parazitas

    CLEO Release Notepad

    Hello everyone. Today i wanna present you my new cleo called NOTEPAD What it is ? It's cleo mode which let you write some notes , job information or whatever you need... Of course if you are lazy write everything letter by letter , you can just edit notepad.txt Like..: When you are on the...
  22. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Delete string from file

    Hello. I making project which called "NOTEPAD" , but now i get problem.. Maybe someone know how i can delete last character from .txt file? @Opcode.eXe @monday etc...
  23. Parazitas

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    This is no spread with the crosshair expanding as if you were playing normal. Have fun! Author: Me Activation/Deactivation menu with key: F2 Get Mouse with key: T Requirements: NONE! Working with any samp version... ~~~~~~~~ OPEN SOURCE ~~~~~~~~
  24. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about RPC

    Hello. Maybe someone know where i can find good example how to read / get information from RPC? { // Uzmetimas RPC_SCRSETPLAYERATTACHEDOBJECT = 113 RPC_SCRAPPLYANIMATION = 86 RPC_SCRTOGGLEPLAYERCONTROLLABLE = 15 RPC_SCRCREATEOBJECT = 44 RPC_SCRMOVEOBJECT = 99 RPC_SCRSETOBJECTMATERIAL = 84...
  25. Parazitas

    Change String

    Code remove all string between characters.. Example.: You have text like: {0000FF}123456{FF00FF}78 You wanna get only: 12345678 So you need use like: {$CLEO} 0000: repeat wait 0 until 0AFA: 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 1024 0AD3: 0@ = format "{0000FF}123456{FF00FF}78" 0AC8: 1@ =...
  26. Parazitas

    Get Radar Blip Info

    Example {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 while true wait 0 if 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined then for 0@ = 0 to 175 // from 0 to max blip 0AB1: @GetRadarBlipInfo 1 BlipID 0@ _Return: ColorID 1@ RGB 2@ 3@ 4@ XYZ 5@ 6@ 7@ IconID 8@ if 8@ == 0 // Square/Triangle -...
  27. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] For All Pickups

    Example: if or 044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot 00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving then 0AB1: @GetClosestPickup 0 XYZ 0@ 1@ 2@ 06D5: 29@ = create_racing_checkpoint_at 0@ 1@ 2@ point_to 0@ 1@ 2@ type 2 radius 1.0 wait 1000 06D6: disable_racing_checkpoint 29@ end 0AB1...
  28. Parazitas

    Time to say goodbye

    Hello everyone. I decided stop work with cleo or any programing language. I just wanna say thanks for everything how's helped me learn programing. Time flies to fast and can't do this anymore. Time to grow up and do something more seriously than this... Goodbye and good luck everyone with yours...
  29. Parazitas

    [CLEO] Some snippets

    0.3.7 - R1 :ShowDialog { 0.3.7 - R1 0AB1: @ShowDialog 6 id 1000 caption 0@ text 1@ button_1 2@ button_2 3@ style 2 } IF 0AA2: 10@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 0x21A0B8 // SAMP_DIALOG_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 12@ = readMem 11@ sz 4 vp 1 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 0x6B9C0...
  30. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cut out colors

    I just wanna know if even possible cut out all colors from text? I mean like if i have text.: {DDBF1F} Hello {DEBC1F} world So after cut should be like.: Hello world I wondering how i can do that.., i wanna make snippet or something like that. @monday @springfield etc...
  31. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Player Attached Object

    Possible keep Player Attached Object even if server wanna remove it? How i can do that? @springfield @Opcode.eXe etc...
  32. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Get Name / Surname

    Get surname from fullname Example: Black_Daddy Snippet return - Daddy 0AB1: @GetSurname 1 stringPointer 1@ Surname 3@ :GetSurname 0085: 28@ = 0@ // (int) 0085: 27@ = 0@ // (int) 29@ = 0 for 31@ = 0 to 200 0A8D: 30@ = read_memory 28@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 if 30@ == 0 then break...
  33. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Block Input

    With this snippet you can block Keyboard and mouse. Example {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 while true wait 0 if and 0@ == false 044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot then 0AB1: @BlockInput 1 status 1 // 1 - block keyboard and mouse if 32@ > 30000 // if 30sec passed then... then...
  34. Parazitas

    CLEO Help How to know which dialog button was pressed?

    Maybe someone know how to get pointer - which button was pressed? @springfield etc... I talking about this opcode.: 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 1@ button 2@ list_item 3@ input_text 4@
  35. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Maybe somebody can explain how this opcode works.: 00AE: set_car 26@ traffic_behaviour_to 2 I mean how opcode detect obstacles and how know which way need turn? Maybe possible change detection distance? @monday @Opcode.eXe @springfield etc...
  36. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get position from front

    How i can get position from my front? @Opcode.eXe etc... Edit: Looks like this snippet work like that
  37. Parazitas

    Get some dialog information

    Is there any way get: 1. Which dialog button was pressed? 2. pEditbox text? @springfield etc..
  38. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Actor Data

    Possible get not streamed player actor handle? I tried do this like: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 'Parazitas || UGBASE.EU' REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY while true wait 0 if 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned then 0C8B: samp 0@ = get_player_count streamed_only false for 1@ = 0...
  39. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Actor status

    Is there any ways check when any player on foot or driving? for 0@ = 0 to 600 // 600 max player connect to server if 0B23: samp is_player_connected 0@ then 0B20: samp 1@ = actor_handle_by_samp_player_id 0@ if 00DF: actor 1@ driving then...
  40. Parazitas

    Question about pickup

    Someone know how to get pickup pointer? @springfield @monday etc...
  41. Parazitas

    Memory or String opcodes [w/o SF]

    Strcat :strcat // 0@ - destination, 1@ - source // Example: 0AB1: @strcat 2 destination 0@ source 1@ 0AB1: @strlen 1 string 0@ _return: 2@ 0AB1: @strlen 1 string 1@ _return: 3@ 005A: 0@ += 2@ // (int) 0AB1: @memcpy 3 destination 0@ source 1@ size 3@ 005A: 0@ += 3@ // (int) 0AB1: @memset 3...
  42. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about file reading / counting

    how can i find out how many lines a text file contains without viewing it in cleo? Should return count of lines.
  43. Parazitas

    [Tutorial] Read / write memory

    Short tutorial. Hello , i'm not good with tutorials , but i tried xD Maybe someone can explain better , i'm sure a lot peoples don't know how to do that. So What is memory?? By wiki: Memory is the faculty of the brain by which data or information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed...
  44. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Decimal to Hex

    Hello ! everyone. I have small problem. I tried get key offset from ini file , but looks like my snippet accept only hex value, because when i add decimal value to pointer i get wrong pointer and code wan't work. Exist any way to convert decimal to hex value for cleo? :Set_Virtual_Key {...
  45. Parazitas

    CLEO Help DLL Call

    maybe somebody know What i doing wrong? Or maybe i have wrong offset? :Set_dialog_Text { 0.3.7 - R3 0AB1: @Set_dialog_Text 1 text 0@ } IF 0AA2: 10@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 0x26E898 // SAMP_DIALOG_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 12@ = readMem 11@ sz 4 vp 0 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ +...
  46. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] ForAllObjects

    Example {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT IF 8256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A93: end_custom_thread END WAIT 1500 UNTIL 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined THEN 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB7449C size 4 virtual_protect 0...
  47. Parazitas

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    Good morning! Here you can request your cleo and if i have time..., i try make it. ** Read the forum rules ! ** Request rules.: 1. Can request maximum only X cleo!!! 2. Try your best to explain what you really want and need. 3. Write clearly and understandable 4. Copy/Paste request form...
  48. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Close Samp Dialog

    OPCODE: 0B47: samp close_current_dialog_with_button 1@ Without SAMPFUNCS :CLOSE_DIALOG { 0.3.7 - R3 0AB1: @CLOSE_DIALOG 1 Button 0 // 0 = Left , 1 = Right } IF 0AA2: 10@ = "samp.dll" THEN 0A8E: 11@ = 10@ + 0x26E898 // SAMP_DIALOG_INFO_OFFSET 0A8D: 12@ = readMem 11@ sz 4 vp 0...
  49. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get last line string

    {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 if 0@ == false then 0A9A: 8@ = openfile "CLEO\test.txt" mode "rt" // IF and SET 0AC8: 9@ = allocate_memory_size 260 WHILE 8AD6: end_of_file 8@ reached WAIT 0 IF 0AD7: read_string_from_file 8@ to 9@ size 260 // IF...
  50. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Strings

    Example I have strings: 1. Hello 2. World How combine together and make only one string? Hello world. It's looks like opcode: 0C15: strcat destination 0@ source 1@ But how to do that without sampfuncs?
  51. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Get String after specified character

    For example you have text like: Please enter text /code 123 Snippet return: code 123 Snippet :GetStringAfterCharacter { 0AB1: @GetStringAfterCharacter 2 StringPointer 0@ Character 47 _Return 6@ // 47 = slash } 0C17: 31@ = strlen 0@ 31@ -= 1 for 30@ = 0 to 31@ 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory...
  52. Parazitas

    Get samp Base

    #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <TlHelp32.h> using namespace std; uintptr_t GetModuleBaseAddress(DWORD dwProcID, const char* szModuleName) { uintptr_t ModuleBaseAddress = 0; HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32...
  53. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Get character pos

    0AB1: @GetCharPos 2 string 0@ pos 1@ to 2@ :GetCharPos 0C17: 8@ = 0@ if 801D: 1@ > 8@ then 9@ = 0 while 001D: 1@ > 9@ inc(0@) 9@+=1 end 0C2D: strrev in 0@ out 0@ 0062: 8@ -= 1@ 9@ = 0 8@ -= 1 while 001D: 8@ > 9@ inc(0@) 9@+=1...
  54. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Skip first characters

    100% - Working without SAMPFUNCS Example 0AD3: 0@ = format "xxString" You wanna cut "xx" 0AB1: @SkipFirstCharacters 2 String 0@ Characters 2 rnt 1@ Snippet :SkipFirstCharacters 005A: 0@ += 1@ 0AB2: ret 1 0@
  55. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Get last characters

    100% - Working without SAMPFUNCS Example 0AD3: 0@ = format "Hello World" You wanna get "World" 0AB1: @GetLastCharacters 2 String 0@ Characters 5 rnt 1@ Snippet :GetLastCharacters { 0AB1: @GetLastCharacters 2 String 0@ Characters 5 rnt 1@ } 0AB1: @strlen 1 String 0@ Lenght 2@ 0062: 2@ -=...
  56. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about 0C11

    Here is any way do this opcode without sampfuncs? 0C11: memset destination 0@ value 1@ size 0x4 @springfield @supahdupahnubah @monday etc..
  57. Parazitas

    CLEO Help 0C17: 31@ = strlen 0@

    How to make opcode 0C17: 31@ = strlen 0@ work without SAMPFUNCS?
  58. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about Motorcycle

    What change when we travelling with Motorcycle on one wheel? Z pos???
  59. Parazitas

    Untagged Release Bike / Motorcycle speed up

    . MotorcycleAndBikeSpeedUP v4 - Press continuously UP ARROW if you start drive Motorcycle also press continuously W KEY if you start drive Bike. Working with gta sa andreas or any samp!
  60. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help with snippet

    :CLOSE_DIALOG wait 0 IF 0AA2: 7@ = "samp.dll" THEN 7@ += 0x6FF40 /// close dialog offset 0AA5: call 7@ num_param 0 pop 0 END 0AB2: 0 What i doing wrong?? @monday @supahdupahnubah
  61. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Get Dialog caption

    Dialog Caption - 0.3.7 R3 0AB1: @GetDialogCaption 0 0@ :GetDialogCaption { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E898 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@ sz 4 vp 0 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 0x28 //DialogOpenOffset 0A8D: 2@ = readMem 2@ sz 4 vp 0 if 2@ == 1 // Dialog open then 0A8E: 3@ = 1@ + 0x40...
  62. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get player Name

    Alachu_Alach How i can get player name not surname without " 0AD4: $NOT_USED = 0@ "%[^_]" 25@v " format? @monday @Opcode.eXe @springfield etc...
  63. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question about 0AA2: $hLIB = load_library "CLEO\version.dll"

    Maybe somebody know why i get crash when trying read memory from OWClient.dll ? :GetMem 0AA2: 1@ = "OWClient.dll" 1@ += 0x27DF78 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 0AB2: ret 0 @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah etc..
  64. Parazitas

    [Tutorial] Find SA:MP pointers

    Find chat open detection pointer Find dialog caption pointer Find server name pointer Find dialog open detection pointer Find left / right button text pointer Find dialog style / type pointer Find dialog list item pointer
  65. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get string from memory

    I trying get text from memory , but return always is (NULL) ... :GetDialogButtonText 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x2ACAC4 0A8D: 2@ = readMem 1@ sz 260 vp 0 2@ += 0x24C 0A8D: 3@ = readMem 2@ sz 260 vp 0 3@ += 0x135 0A8D: 4@ = readMem 3@ sz 260 vp 0 printf "%s" 1 4@ 0AB2: ret 0 With Cheat...
  66. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Set Virtual or Game Key

    100% - Working without SAMPFUNCS Example.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP WAIT 10000 WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: key_pressed 90 {Z} THEN 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x57 state 255 WAIT 30 0AB1: @Set_Virtual_Key 2 KeyOffSet 0x57 state 0 END END :Set_Virtual_Key { 255 = true...
  67. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Get Dialog Text

    Explain.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 10000 while true wait 0 if 0AB1: @isDialogOpen 1 ID -1 // -1 any then 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 512 0AB1: @getDialogText 0 0@ end end :isDialogOpen { 0.3.7 - R3 } 0AA2: 1@ = "samp.dll" 1@ += 0x26E898 0A8D: 1@ = readMem 1@...
  68. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help Fix it

    How fix it? Textdraw blinking and is very long , not like normal.. @monday @supahdupahnubah @springfield @Opcode.eXe etc... Full Code {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP WAIT 10000 WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 056D: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR defined THEN WAIT 0 // GET ALL STREAMED PEDS 0A8D: 29@ =...
  69. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Detect In front

    Maybe someone know how to detect any vehicle in front? @supahdupahnubah @springfield @Opcode.eXe etc...
  70. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Draw problem

    I wanna draw command from .ini file , but probably i doing something wrong... Who know where is problem? 0AC8: 4@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AF4: 4@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleo\Config.ini" section "Command" key "type" 0AB1: @DRAW_WITH_TEXT_COMMAND_FROM_INI 3 X 162.0 Y 230.0 4@...
  71. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Get digits from text

    With this snippet you can get digits from any text ! Explain.: {$CLEO} 0000: repeat wait 50 until 0AFA: is_samp_available 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AD3: 0@ = format "aaa:12345678910" 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AB1: call_scm_func @get_digits_to_print param_count 2 text...
  72. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get windows copied text

    How i can get windows copied text when use CTRL + C and put it in chat? I think with this u are pro @monday
  73. Parazitas

    Get windows copied text

    How i can get windows copied text when use CTRL + C and put it in chat? I think with this u are pro @monday
  74. Parazitas

    [c++] Get / Set Cursor position

    Maybe somebody know how get and set cursor position?
  75. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Create SA:MP Dialog

    With this snippet we can create samp dialog. Good luck... Explain with 0.3.7 .: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 8500 WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0AB0: 49 {Key 1} THEN 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AC8: 2@ = allocate_memory_size 260 0AC8: 3@...
  76. Parazitas

    [SNIPPET] Get LocalPlayer Name / ID

    With this snippet we can get nick name. Good luck... Explain with 0.3.7 .: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: repeat wait 0 until 0afa: WHILE TRUE wait 0 call @Get_LocalPlayer_Name 0 0@ chatmsg "%s" -1 0@ END :Get_LocalPlayer_Name /// 0AB1: call_scm_func @Get_My_NickName 0 0@ 0AA2: 0@ = loadLib...
  77. Parazitas

    CLEO Help [Get/Read] Time from website.

    Possibile get/read time from website with cleo??? If Yes , how do that? @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah
  78. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Get Cursor Position

    With this two snippets you can get Cursor Position. Explane.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: REPEAT WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA: SAMP_IS_READY WHILE TRUE wait 0 IF 0B8C: samp is_cursor_active THEN 0AB1: @GetCursorPos 0 0@ 1@ 0AB1: @getFullScreenXY 2 FullScreen_And_CursorX 0@...
  79. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Draw image on screen

    Who know how draw image on game screen? @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah etc..
  80. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Bug with on / off

    IDK why , but turn off not working... Who know how fix that? @monday @supahdupahnubah @springfield It's mining bot.. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 10000 CONST /// controls BOT_STOP = 0 BOT_ACTIVATED = 1  END CONST FirstMinePointX = 2748.6038 FirstMinePointY = -2076.5259 FirstMinePointZ = 12.6556...
  81. Parazitas

    [Snippet] Char sprint

    Explain.: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: wait 10000 WHILE TRUE wait 0 if 0ab0: 87 {W Key} then Printf "You now runing" 1337 0AB1: call @CHAR_SPRINT 1 Sprint_Status true // true - start CHAR run , false - start CHAR walk normal end end Snippet.: :CHAR_SPRINT if 3@ == false then 4@ =...
  82. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Possible  samp send dialog response with memory and dialog id? @monday @supahdupahnubah @springfield
  83. Parazitas

    C++ Dialog - now in CLEO !

    Hi , here u can get free "c++ Dialog" converted in "cleo"  ! C++ Dialog by @user88 Source: Good luck ! Don't forget comment.
  84. Parazitas

    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    Good morning! Here you can request your cleo and if i have time we try make it. ** Read the forum rules ! ** Request rules.: 1. Can request only one cleo!!! 2. Try your best to explain what you really want and need. 3. Write clearly and understandable 45. Copy/Paste request form. 5. If wanna...
  85. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Aim - Smoot effect

    Maybe somebody can explane how to make aim smoot effect? @springfield @Opcode.eXe @supahdupahnubah I tried do it myself , but camera still move to fast on target {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL 0AFA: WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0  IF 0AB1: @GET_TARGET_ACTOR 0 31@ THEN                 ...
  86. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Last char

    Where is the problem? why i get crash?    IF    0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 2@ format "[Kid]%s %s %s stup%s" $NOT_USED 5@v 6@v $NOT_USED    THEN        0C17: 2@ = strlen 6@         IF        2@ > 4        THEN            2@ -= 1            0C24: strncpy destination 6@ source 6@ size 2@      ...
  87. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Get server player name and check from file

    How i can get server player name from file with opcode: 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "settings.ini" mode 0x72 ? I tired use this opcode: 0AF4: 0@v = read_string_from_ini_file "cleo\config.ini" section "SectionName" key "stringKey" Code for explane: {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP repeat wait 0 until 0afa...
  88. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Cursor

    Possible set cursor position and then send auto press  left mouse?  or  How to do auto press "Spawn" button when password is already entered? @springfield @0x32789 Any else...
  89. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Spin Player camera when press and hold key

    So i trying make my camera spin circle.. 360% But don't work...  @supahdupahnubah @springfield WHILE 0AB0: 2 wait 0     068D: get_camera_position_to 18@ 19@ 21@     //CHATMSG "Camera poss .:%f %f %f" 18@ 19@ 21@     18@ += 0.1      19@ += 0.1      21@ += 0.1      015F: set_camera_position 18@...
  90. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Help with bone...

    Who know were is promblem? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: WHILE TRUE     WAIT 0 IF 0AD2: 3@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR targeted_actor //IF and SET THEN     IF and     8118:   actor 3@ dead     8B5C:  samp not is_player 3@ paused     THEN         0AB1: call_scm_func @GET_BONE_POS 2 FROM_ACTOR 3@ BONE 24...
  91. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Move dialog

    I try move dialog to cursor position when enter command /mdialog {$CLEO .cs}     //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP   REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL samp.Available()                               Dialog.Create(0@, "Hack Pack ") Dialog.SetRECT(0@, 1@, 7@, 260, 150) /// Dialog Background color...
  92. Parazitas

    CLEO Help SMS

    Why samp freeze? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT   WAIT 0 UNTIL 0AFA:  SAMP_IS_READY  0B34: "sms" @Command alloc 4@ 200 WHILE TRUE   WAIT 0 END :Command 0B35: 0@ = get_last_command_params if 0AD4: 31@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d %s" 1@ 4@ //IF and SET then 2@ =...
  93. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Possible send msg to email with sany builder (Cleo) ? How to do that? @monday @springfield @supahdupahnubah @0x32789 @ini
  94. Parazitas

    CLEO Help About Dialog

    Who can explane how i can get current dialog editbox text? I mean i want get my enter text in this " 0AF8: " ... @monday @springfield
  95. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    How i can detect car distance traveled kilometers? I mena start point is when i sit in car and driving, end point is when i left car. After then kilometers restart. It's like kilometers recorder. @supahdupahnubah @Springfield @Monday
  96. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Problem

    What wrong here ? Why don't work call ? {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP REPEAT wait 0 UNTIL 0AFA: WHILE TRUE wait 0 IF 00DF:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving THEN     0@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)          IF     Car.Model(0@) == #INFERNUS     THEN         05AA: 1@s = 'INFERNUS' // @s =...
  97. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Remove last symbol from text

    Maybe somebody can tell me how remove last symbol from word? I mean.: 0AD4: $NOT_USED = 0@ format "Hello %s" 2@v So...,   %s  is something like " Worldc " How remove from %s last symbol     " c "  ??? @supahdupahnubah @monday @springfield
  98. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Truck

    Maybe know how to make Anti-uncoupling trailer cleo ? @Springfield etc...
  99. Parazitas

    [HELP]Run and Sprint path recorder

    Take and good luck, i just little edit it, added if any dialog active then don't work fake walk. Commands.: "play" "stopplay" "record" "stoprecord" Credits.: @Opcode.eXe [Vehicle recoding default code] @SpexxTr0n [not sure for him] >> >> @springfield know better.
  100. Parazitas

    CLEO Help Question

    Hi. Who can tell me how detect and remove this cigar from hand with cleo?