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  1. S

    Help Help Needed: How to Get Animation IDs in GTA SA

    Hi everyone, I’m looking for help with getting animation IDs in GTA San Andreas (not for SAMP). I need a way to display the animation ID for whatever the player is doing in the game, similar to how SampFuncs provides this functionality. If anyone knows a method, script that can help with this...
  2. S

    Help get player working ID

    this opcode sampGet3dTextInfoById returns if player has attached 3dtextdraw i can get coord from it and even text name but i need player id if 3dtext attached to player i get only 65535 idk how to get working ID from player please help cleo or lua both ok for me
  3. S

    Help is there way to get individual player wanted level from player ?

    hey guys i wonder if i can get each individual players wanted level ? i am making script to see if player has kill 6 players which is 6 star level wanted and i am sure this opcode (01C0: $PLAYER_WANTED_LEVEL = player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level) don't work it will show only my wanted level (my...
  4. S

    Help how to send what object i have attached to my vehicle

    1: its samp r2 i wanna send attached object info to server so it can be visible to all player is it possible ? 2: how to get admin level info i wanna make readable which level of admin he is like a text info attached to admin shows level 2 or level 7 what ever it is this is important for me...
  5. S

    Help need script for R4 server

    1: 0F17: Get_Model_Name 1@ _PointerTo 2@ this opcode from cleoplus 0ADB: 1@V = Car_Model 0@ Name both opcodes don't work in samp 2: check if player pause (afk)
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    Help how to get nickname W/O sampfuncs

    i saw thread @springfield gave this line below but i have no clue how it will get nick name no struct no specific player handle or ID how it will show players nickname? i need script :nickname if 0AA2: 0@ = loadLib "samp.dll" //samp base offset then 0@ += 0x212A80 0A8D: 0@ =...
  7. S

    Help Is it possible to use samp.dll to use only command console ?

    as title says "Is it possible to use samp.dll to use only command console ? " i was trying to call functions to use its command console for single gta sa idk even if its possible asking expert help please :(
  8. S

    Help remove special characters

    as title suggest a to z 0 to 9 not any special characters like !@#$%^&*()_+{[}]:;"'|\<,>.?? i tried but no luck anyone plz help
  9. S

    Help Read String which shows in game

    Hi Read String which shows in game like total respect and skills and help text that shows in screen when ever we playing gta sa we see some text shows like help or swimming or skill increased stuff i want that thing able to copy in ini file plz some one help
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    CLEO Divide long string into 2 parts

    i need script "abcdefg hijklmn" divided by space i need "abcdefg" return as 0@ "hijklmn" as 1@ is it possible ?
  11. S

    i need cleo mod with on off chassis swing

    first of all thanks for looking my request :) i need cleo mod with on off chassis swing with key press i look every where no luck i know you guys only can do it key on off any no problem thanks in advance
  12. S

    i need cleo mod with on off chassis swing

    first of all thanks for looking my request :) i need cleo mod with on off chassis swing with key press i look every where no luck i know you guys only can do it key on off any no problem thanks in advance
  13. S

    Search file in modloader folder gta sa

    Close it thanks