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  1. G

    CLEO Release 2shotterv2.0

    It's really good but also it's easy to detect. Weapon is changing only on weapons icon, skin still has sawnoff in hands while changing. I tested it with delay 50-170 and its the same. I checked it with pro-sawn guys and when they changing weapons, skin has fist or desert or other weapon (for...
  2. G

    CLEO Release Smart ESP Boxes bY M1ZG4RD

    Is it possible to add some script which will recognize skins? In A/D servers there are 2 teams with 2 kinds of skins. For example everyone from Attackers team (all with same skin) have red boxes and everyone from Defenders team (all with same skin but different then Attackers) have blue boxes ...
  3. G

    CLEO Release Run.cs

    It is good only for some on-foot races etc. Hard to use sawnoff or other run-weapon with it cause of time need to get back to normal run speed. About 1-2 sec which you can't shoot. My advice is to make some on/off buttons.