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  1. C

    Untagged Release RakSAMP 0.3x R1-2

    It was my silly mistake xD. I don't change version of GM in server.cfg... But now I have a question. How mode 6 (route mode) work ?? Anybody can help me ??
  2. C

    Untagged Release RakSAMP 0.3x R1-2

    But look... I'm the owner of this server, and I prepare special system. When I'm using it on localhost: server started on my own computer and raksamp too - everything is OK. Than I'm trying it on my real server and it ban me instantly... sorry for bad English :/
  3. C

    Untagged Release RakSAMP 0.3x R1-2

    I have problem :/ When I'm working on localhost, everything is OK. But when I try to connect to server with "spawn" mode, server instantly Ban me.... There's no reason :( :(:( . Anybody can help me ??