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  1. J


    Lol, that's an old version full of bugs, and I also don't see a download for it
  2. J


    Hello, I have had many messages asking me for the NGRP Script, I will be willing to trade the NGRP Script for a NGRP account with good stats (Lots of money, good cars etc.) I will also include the Server mapping and MySQL Database. If you are interested in trading please PM me for my skype...
  3. J

    CLEO Help Getting started with cleo scripting

    Thanks alot lads  :stoned:
  4. J

    CLEO Help Getting started with cleo scripting

    Ok I got sanny builder and have opened the .cs file what do I need to edit to change the position of the text? Here is the code: // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs}...
  5. J

    CLEO Help Getting started with cleo scripting

    Hello, I am looking to start scripting cleos i want to start by editing a cleo I already have to fit on my health bars which i have customised on my HUD. What program should I use? You can see on the far right side two Health Information text one is for health (The red one) and the white one...
  6. J

    NGRP Gamemode

    I have one it is from 3-4 months ago just before they brought the lock-pick system in. I will also give you the UCP, Shop, Forums and even Teamspeak files. All I ask for is a good NGRP Account. PM me for my skype if you're interested.
  7. J

    [Find]Best Enb 2014

  8. J

    UG-Base meaning?

    :challenge_completed: A game.. Ok! I think it could mean Ultimate Gaming :D
  9. J

    UG-Base meaning?

    I just wondered what the UG in UG-Base stood for? :imoverit:
  10. J

    Knife Hack and Present

    This is not an actual hack PGRP never had a Anti Cheat System. NGG removed it before they gave them the script, They only added an Anti Cheat just before they closed for Knife, Minigun etc.
  11. J

    NGRP Gamemode

    I have the NGRP 2014 Gamemode just that the MySQL is not set up and I dont know how to set it up.