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    CLEO Release [RELEASE] TP a car above someone

    I dont have antivirus lol?? I really want this possible to run it in cleo 4.3...?
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    CLEO Release [RELEASE] TP a car above someone

    I install cleo 4.1 and when i start server, a pop up appear             Error: Loaing SampFucs3.2.asi and i press ok, and after loading samp screen game crash.. Any Suggestion?
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    CLEO Release [RELEASE] TP a car above someone

    I install correctly, my cleo version is 4.3, i am already running many mods which are running perfectly...
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    CLEO Release [RELEASE] TP a car above someone

    This is not working....Any Help??? Server Just shows Unknown Command....
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    Help Any way??

    Open "SAMPFUNCS_SETTINGS" in your Game Directory and change "DrawInfoBar=true" to "DrawInfoBar=False" This will remove that iritating blinking screen (when you press Escape) of your game. :lol:
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    reaction test(to copy one line from ingame chat)

    I Think it is not possible, if possible, i need it too :computer_guy:
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    My Amazing poster!! Must see. [Updated]

    add me too xD
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    PAWN scripting

    I support this idea  :somuchwin: :ugbase:
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    A Request From Admins

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    :ppffh: LOL
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    CLEO Help How to create and edit fxt files?

    :kidding: NUB I need help here? can anyone make a tutorial?
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    CLEO Help How to create and edit fxt files?

    Can anyone please tell me how to create and edit fxt files? ThankS!
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    CLEO Release [REL] AIM_TO_JACK - Pro Car Jacker /||\ D.KAY

    Works Great, Thanks for Sharing!
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    CLEO Release [RELEASE] Player Finder for 0.3z, works with SAMPFUNCS 3.2

    Works Great, Thanks Bro!!
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    Untagged Release MapRecorder - objects stealer

    How to install and use it, can you please tell me step by step? Thank you.
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    LSPD Chopper Camera mod

    Thats Great, Good Mod, I have one question, when i will use thermal mod, ill banned?
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    CLEO Release [OPEN-SOURCE] Player List - 28/06/2015 16:23

    Re: Player List How this works? when i type /togplist, server shows, unknown command
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    LSPD Chopper Camera mod

    Cant understand what is this mod for?