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  1. S

    CLEO Help [HELP] - Fix this script?

    Hey, can someone fix this script for me? // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 14.6.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- wait 3000 0@ = 304498 :CB3R_15 thread 'CB3R' wait 0 if key_down 117 else_jump...
  2. S

    CLEO Help [HELP] - Edit button

    Thanks but, when I press the key, the game start flooding the message like "hack enabled or disabled" How to fix?
  3. S

    CLEO Help [HELP] - Edit button

  4. S

    CLEO Help [HELP] - Edit button

    Hey, this CLEO script is enabled when you type "NOPI" Can you put for enable the script when press [F10] key? Thanks
  5. S

    CLEO Help [Error] - Mgfuncs

    No Mizaz, is for 0.3.7
  6. S

    CLEO Help [Error] - Mgfuncs

    Hey, I have problems to launch my GTA. Screen: I can't find any link to update because my country is blocking -_- Anyone can give for me a link to I update this shit? thx