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  1. F

    Need CLEO Ideas

    Spoof kill like the guy use in the video As you see in the video . The player name asslicker_no_life. (Spoof kill) all players very fast. you can see in death list at right.
  2. F


    before it works . When i jack a car . i got kicked out fast. :(
  3. F

    CLEO Release REL: Car Park CLEO{.cs}

    It works great, But do think you can make it more effect? i mean, smash down fast as hell, so they die fast; ? :D
  4. F

    CLEO Release Suicide.cs xD

    Haha! This is really awesome! I join cops and robbers (crazybob) i punch a cop or /civ. after he punch me, i do L+P togehter, i die, cops lose rank. and civil got warrant and arrested. 10/10 i love this !