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  1. Dink

    CLEO Release Jack Car By ID [Pjack & Jack]

    brah it crash when i use the commands, fix it mang..  :bawww:
  2. Dink

    PR-RP Latest script.

    You did it again, you posted twice in a row, you do know you can write 999 thoughts in one post, right?  :yuno:
  3. Dink

    PR-RP Latest script.

    No, but why would you think of that?  :youdontsay:
  4. Dink

    PR-RP Latest script.

    I'm a nab in this business, but when someone multiposts (posting a reply, and then posts again immediately after that, making the next 3 replies the same guy) it's clear he's a scammer and/or a scrub Fuck this guy
  5. Dink

    [REQ] Auto Drive | Auto Pilot

    Brother TH3RM4L, can you please change the key to 2 combinations, for example ALT+X it's really annoying that everytime I push X while in chat, the car goes to my last checkpoint. Thanks in advance  :urtheman: