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  1. P

    CLEO Help Dialog help.

  2. P

    CLEO Help Dialog help.

    Hmmm. This just close dialog, dont input 3 number code in dialog...???
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    CLEO Help Dialog help.

    Is it possible to take these numbers from this dialogue and to enter into it and to confirm ??? If possible, how? Thanks in advance. Picture:
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    CLEO Help Fake Location

    And with sampfunc 5.1.1 crash????
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    CLEO Help Fake Location

    Same problem, when I enter the command /test1 my GTA crash . What version sampfunc i need i now use 3.1.1?
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    CLEO Help Fake Location

    I have sampfuncs 3.1.1.
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    CLEO Help Fake Location

    Nit working something crash my GTA. {$CLEO .cs} 0B34: samp register_client_command "test1" to_label @MAIN :LOOP wait 0 cmdret goto @LOOP :MAIN wait 0 0AB1: @SendOnfootFakePosition 3 0.0 0.0 0.0  0AF9: samp say_msg "/test" cmdret :SendOnfootFakePosition 3@ =...
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    CLEO Help Fake Location

    When i try to compile this script i get this error? Why? {$CLEO .cs} 0B34: samp register_client_command "test1" to_label @MAIN :LOOP wait 0 cmdret goto @LOOP :MAIN wait 0 0AB1: @SendOnfootFakePosition 3 0.0 0.0 0.0  0AF9: samp say_msg "/test" cmdret
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    CLEO Help About VW

    Is posible to change wirtualworld via cleo script?
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    CLEO Help Export text from dialog

    Can you make exam for me please.
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    CLEO Help Export text from dialog

    Is posible to export text from dialog to TXT file from some dialog? If is posible how. Thanks in advance.
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    CLEO Help [Help] ON OFF switch

    Script dont have On/Off.
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    Help On/off script

    Can any one make me this in this script on and off on some button, Thanks in advance.
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    CLEO Help [Help] ON OFF switch

    Can some one help me how to make switch on tis Script. Thanks in advance. {$CLEO .cs} 0662: "Wolverine_Advanced" //Created by M1ZG4RD, credits to MegaBlack for inspiration :Settings_Read wait 50 if 0AAB:  file_exists "CLEO\WolverineAdvanced_config.ini" else_jump @Settings_New 0AF0: 20@ =...
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    CLEO Help Random

    Is posible to make something like this??? I hope you understand . I was the first time today I meet with cleo scripting , otherwise I do pawno scripting . This is much more difficult 0209: 5@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 10 if 5@ == 1 something here else if 5@ == 2 something here else if 5@ == 3...
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    CLEO Help Not working

    Nothing?? O.o What can be problem?
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    CLEO Help Not working

    The same does not work. Is there some other way to press [Enter] via cleo???
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    CLEO Help Not working

    Why when i use this dont work? Dont "press" any key??? Please help. Or tell me some other way to press [ENTER] Key. 0AB1: call @keyPress 2 key 13 time 1 :keyPress // 0@ - key, 1@ - time // Example: 0AB1: call @keyPress 2 key 0@ time 1@ if 0AA2: 2@ = load_library "User32.dll" then     if 0AA4...
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    CLEO Help Auto dialog answer

    Watch 1:35 you will see "Start playng" Thus I need this to when prints the message "Start playng " on the screen that we accept dialogue . This is the script . // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by Seemann...
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    CLEO Help Auto dialog answer

    Not working, somthing chrash my game?
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    CLEO Help How to compile this script?

    Can someone please explain it how to compile this script to .CS file. When I put it in Sanny Builder and compile I get eror : Unknown opcode 0B4C . while true wait 0 if 0AB0: 49 //Key then     repeat     wait 100     0AF9: samp say_msg "/buy"     until 0B4C: samp is_dialog_active -1     0B49...
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    CLEO Help Auto dialog answer

    Can someone tell me how to do that we automatically respond to the dialog ? In SA:MP. Os some timer to press ENTER every 5 seconds.