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  1. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    sure, add my account "Garries" or previously known as "Garries#7777" shoot me a discord pm so i know its you, since i almost insta block random accs that adds me that shares nothing with me.
  2. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    just got around to testing this, and it doesn't fix anything, only made it harder to tab out of the game. thanks for the suggestions though.
  3. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    You are completely right that the launcher doesnt force me to use anything, but it feels forced when gta is a broken 20 year old mess and mods like samp addon is only way to fix it. So the ban has crippled the server almost, people leaving or simply cant play without lagging 24/7. Thanks for...
  4. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    this is why, because it doesn't appear to have it. how come yours allow me to travel with the mouse to my 2nd monitor, while this other mod doesn't?
  5. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    tried it out some more, it didn't fix the mouse, but now it crashes when i open the map up. the very little i do know of modding, but did u link the lock/unlock mouse function to fog? i think thats why its crashing when i open the map up. i do not by any means fully know how to make cleos...
  6. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    thanks for wanting to help out. i tried it out, but sadly it didn't work.
  7. G

    Help transparent menu, lock mouse 2 monitors

    on a server i play on, they banned the usage of samp addon, and forced all of us to use codsmp now. codsmp doesn't have transparent menu aka anti pause like how samp addon has it, so we're forced to find replacements. we all agreed on one of the transparent menu mods, because it offers both esc...