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  1. P

    Help [AHK]CalcScreenpositions

    Hello, I want to ask how i can get the position of the head, the Arms and the feet With this function i can calculate the middle of the Player calcScreenCoors(fX,fY,fZ) { if(!checkHandles()) return false dwM := 0xB6FA2C m_11 := readFloat(hGTA, dwM + 0*4) if(ErrorLevel) { ErrorLevel...
  2. P

    Help [AHK]GetDialogText

    Hello I need some help with this Function GetDialogText() { Process = gta_sa.exe DllName = samp.dll Process, Exist, %Process% PID = %ErrorLevel% SetFormat, Integer, D Base := GetDllBase(DllName, PID) pointer1addr:= Base+0x2180a0 pointer1result := ReadMemory(pointer1addr, "GTA:SA:MP")...
  3. P

    Searching the LsR Script

    Hey Guys, I'm searching the Script from the Owner was [LSR]Acer. It was released on aiw but aiw is closed... Mfg. Peter
  4. P

    AHK Overlay (Samp udfEx)

    Hi, Can somebody help me with this Overlay? SetParam("use_window", "1") SetParam("window", "GTA:SA:MP") Settimer, Nameoverlay, 250 Nameoverlay := -1 foo(o) { if(!o)   return Position := o.POS PlayerPosition := getCoordinates() Distanz := getDist(PlayerPosition,Position)...