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    CLEO Help VSCode

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    CLEO Help VSCode

    Sure.... Coding with VSCode seems easier to me Already got gta3script-toolchain for VSCode, I just don't know how I can compile .cs files or either scm.
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    CLEO Help VSCode

    I am coding with VSCode, how to compile cleo scripts in there using gta3script toolchain?
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    Danke für den Code ^^ Aber das schwierige dabei ist ja im Multiplayer den spieler rauszufinden...

    Danke für den Code ^^ Aber das schwierige dabei ist ja im Multiplayer den spieler rauszufinden der mich gekillt hat 3 x bei Pawno würde ichs einfach mit sscanf machen, einfach, cleo ist einfach neuland für mich >>
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    CLEO Help Short Help GTA SAN Andreas

    I need someone to script a CLEO Code; If someone kills me over 3 Times he will get killed, after that it will be resettet. Why ? I need that Code for learning to handle with pid, and variables. Would be very cool if someones does that
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    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    RE: [CLEO] I accepting request Why is NOBODY answering to my Request? An easy "No" would be enough....
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    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    RE: [CLEO] I accepting request Updates about that?
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    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    RE: [CLEO] I accepting request 1. Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Forcer 2. Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):  Star wars 3. What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully)...