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  1. J

    Tips to shoot better?

    :lol: You actually think roleplayers like Steven are good? You probably have never seen a/d players videos. Check out this. And this. Also this. The secret of a good aim is practice, low sensivity and stable fps. Here is my sensfix, I use 800 dpi and 8 bars in game (to avoid Y axiz bug)...
  2. J

    Borghack.exe macro's ?

    This isn't a hack lol. He just cbugs afer the shot and then litefoot. To litefoot with deagle you must switch very fast to next weapon, then switch back to deagle and flood sprint.
  3. J

    Macro as .asi

    Hello guys, I wanted to ask if someone could make an  asi script that does: -When space is pressen: Crouch Sleep 10ms Switch to next weapon Sleep 10ms Switch to last weapon Sprint 3 times If possible make it toggable with F6 I hope someone can help, thank you I already tried autohotkey but...