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  1. Kushington

    m0d_sa Release [m0d_sa] [SA-MP 0.3.7] Slono Boyko Project

    It's not, but Blue Eclipse is better man.
  2. Kushington

    R.I.P Trollbeit (official mourning topic)

    R.I.P  :dont_care:
  3. Kushington

    m0d_sa Release [m0d_sa] [SA-MP 0.3.7] Slono Boyko Project

    I did that shit, still says the same shit broski. Proof i got DirectX: I downloaded sqlite and still get the same message? Any other thing I'm doing wrong? Can someone do a step by step because I feel like a fucking tard because this is so simple to do yet I can't accomplish it. EDIT...
  4. Kushington

    m0d_sa Release [m0d_sa] [SA-MP 0.3.7] Slono Boyko Project

    How to fix it to stop saying about the DirectX??