Search results

  1. Forever18

    Help Prevent trailer from detaching

    yes its possible
  2. Forever18

    CLEO LUA Simple but good AIMBOT

    if u want simple aimbot but good try this one : u will see the channel with "free cheat" + the advantage is its .dll + it bypasses G-ac and other anti cheat or try sobfox ultimate cheat
  3. Forever18

    G-AC Bypass simple gui menu

    video: discord: status: still updating but the first verison is out credit to :Vanitydev
  4. Forever18

    AHK Auto Cbug

    pm me on discord : wassup1830
  5. Forever18

    Help I want to use aimbot

    use chatgpt
  6. Forever18

    Help SobFox Project detectable on LSRP?

    why u ask , If you can just literally try it to yourself you dmb
  7. Forever18

    [RELEASE]Notepad.cs (save & read notes)

    give us asi version
  8. Forever18

    Help Find atentatb0t

    add me in dc wassup1830
  9. Forever18

    Help My game crashes after being killed

    very simple remove each mod or use clean gta
  10. Forever18


    Nah im lazy. Go test it yourself
  11. Forever18


    i have some methods come pm me in disord wassup1830
  12. Forever18


    pm me in discord wassup1830
  13. Forever18

    hello . im not really active in forum but u can message me in here Discord: wassup1830 . Its...

    hello . im not really active in forum but u can message me in here Discord: wassup1830 . Its great to see still alive and well sir opcde
  14. Forever18

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    pinoy cheap
  15. Forever18


    HELLO AGAIN badass ugbase  :urtheman: ill realese thes  cleo timefreeze.cs activision /tf you need sampfunc latest  .if you want to credit me its ok > ill give to others >  :urtheman:
  16. Forever18

    Invisible Weapon Hook [I.W.H.

    hello ill share this guys -welcome everyone . I play with hooks and found a cool bypass . With this script you can spawn firearms and kill their players , but you do not will kick or banned . It does not work on all servers . Everything is done in the console SAMPFuncs. press ~ thos botton...
  17. Forever18

    Chatlog [release]

    hello ..ill share this usefull cleo credits_by_Ded_Fedot activision :auto *just put the .cs in cleo folder and join server then if u want to see the chatlog  go to your cleo folder then u will see a folder named Chatlog open it by note pad or ETC *thx
  18. Forever18

    Lock status (release)

    this modified  carstatus lock is better than , dlock.cs activision /lockstatus Requirements SAMPFuncs V5.2+ | CLEO V4.1+ .  or the latest sampfuncs when u type /lockstatus then u go near to a car if u see a green txt means its unlock if it is red means its lock
  19. Forever18

    WTF AIMBOT [realease]

    hello  gladly  i found a aimbot but its private . like the said . but u can find this aim at youtube . but its not easy to find . activision ALT   maybe hold alt or press alt . credits to the owner . what doest it do ? ok example you didnt aim at the player if u shoot it automaticaly...
  20. Forever18

    New invincible,cs [Rel]

    hey guys ,  i ll release this   nice and troll cleo you can also kill people even you are invicible work any version of samp easy activision f2 can change activision key at ini file can change dept also at ini here . ty :iknowwhatyoudidthere:
  21. Forever18

    Vape/Smoke on samp[Release]

    Hello everyone today i want to release this cleo here  what it does it do?  Make your PEd Vape Activision /Vape then press crtl or LMB Requirements  Latest sampfuncs  and Cleo 4.1  Credits 2 : AIR well ill send a rar file  Inside of the rar file is  cigar.dff cigar.txd  make your cigar to...
  22. Forever18

    Aimbot by P1cador [Release]

    Hello everyone today ill share you my Friends aimbot. thiis one is private but he made it public share it to others <3  Description  this aimbot follows player even at wall and lock at the target even its far a little bit Oh! advantage on this aimbot  it lock the target without aiming first ...
  23. Forever18

    Silent aim 9.0 by opcoder

    hello i came to another web and i was shock that some gg rusians  release the primium silent aim 9.0 version by opcoder so ill share it all so #nohardfeelings here  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v9.0 update logs  + Updated the old crawls under the new anti-cheat + Cut option BadData - it is useless...
  24. Forever18


    HELLO GUYS SO I THINK YOU WILL FAP IF YOU TRY THIS CLEO BEST!!! :trollface: - SCOREBOARD SO when you press tab you will see all player  list score ,id and ping so this cleo will make it fake only in scoreboard (TAB) but it is sync here activision presss ~    so your sampfunc console...
  25. Forever18

    Help AHK CBUG

    they will pay aslong the auto cbug has feature and it has legit movement unlike to those public macro cbugs . go check the movement if its legit or not .
  26. Forever18

    TriggerBot for FiveM Beta v1.1

    valorant next project cheat :p
  27. Forever18

    ️ Decrypting/Safety Check CLEO/SF/ASI/DLL

    can someone fully compile this?
  28. Forever18

    Items Finder.

    Dont trust that guy his a scammer LMAOOO he will show u that the cheat is working but when he gave it to you it wont work when u try it .
  29. Forever18

    Help How to bypass anti-cbug system?

    most of the public menu cheats has allow cbug option which bypass anti cbug system . you can just search it on here, google and yt
  30. Forever18


    ehh paypal only D:
  31. Forever18


    How about no menu?( triggerbot and autoscroll) I can pay 35-40usd
  32. Forever18


    But i want to be selfish 🥹. I want to buy and have my own menu
  33. Forever18


    Hello. for how many months i've been approaching each ugbase member in discord to ask if they make custom cheats for samp. Some are not coders and mostly of the coders are busy/no time. So instead i decided to post here. What do i need? 1st autoscroll. dll for sawn - why not use cleo or other...
  34. Forever18

    Buying custom cheat

    Hello. for how many months i've been approaching each ugbase member in discord to ask if they make custom cheats for samp. Some are not coders and mostly of the coders are busy/no time. So instead i decided to post here. What do i need? 1st autoscroll. dll for sawn - why not use cleo or other...
  35. Forever18

    AHK Cbug

    read the descrip
  36. Forever18

    block mods by bass.dll and bass_fx.dll

    just rename asi to .dll
  37. Forever18

    block mods by bass.dll and bass_fx.dll

    if you have mods like .asi try to inject it instead of putting asi's on your gta folder
  38. Forever18

    [SAMP]SobFoX Project Supreme v5[Last trailer]

    sob can i have your discord id ?
  39. Forever18

    CLEO Help [REQ] Wallhack without s0beit

    pm me the server ip
  40. Forever18

    Untagged Release [LUA] SA:MP VALORANT Killstream Effect / Informer

    ugok comrp specially admins
  41. Forever18

    Aim to Player gets Sensibility Hacks

    go buy a mouse that has adjustable sensitivity when clicking an extra button
  42. Forever18

    CLEO Help Stealth Hack Best Settings

    my suggestion is go get real skills you weak , instead of using that
  43. Forever18

    Trading powerful AHK Cbug

    dunoo, here so that you have an idea . Some of the players only want a cbug which is accurate and has a pro animation plus legit litefoot like those cbugger on youtube * cause they want to be clean and look pro on others * . They dont want that whole package cheat shit trollbeit or johny shit...
  44. Forever18

    Trading powerful AHK Cbug

    nah it has a shit anim . plus AHk is better when it come on having a Clean GTA folder and for recording purposes .
  45. Forever18

    Trading powerful AHK Cbug

    3. I saw better auto cbug. Just check out trollbeit, johny project, extremecheats, etc.. Sorry to say too but those auto cbug you mention above are shits specially the anim if you observe it ( it IS NOT LEGIT ON OTHERS SCREEN and admin will easily detect those cbug are auto) ADD: go find a...
  46. Forever18

    Trading powerful AHK Cbug

    Hi im trading a power AHK Script Cbug for a injectable private aimbot that works on any weapon and Works on SAMP client specially R4 Video : - ACCURATE AND FASTER - can do 1 tap or 2 tap - its not detectable on any server except to those server who has anti cbug and Those server who use...
  47. Forever18

    Converto .cs to .asi file Please help me

    @88resu give me your discord id
  48. Forever18

    help smooth aim bot

    &1 ? = is that the on off function ?
  49. Forever18

    help smooth aim bot

    how can i add on off function? and how to change the left button to home or f12 @88resu
  50. Forever18

    CLEO Release Kr4t0s commands

    GO ingame and type /kcmds
  51. Forever18

    CLEO Help Need NameTag 0.3.7-R4

    lets trade some cheats (not wallhack ok pm me 88resu
  52. Forever18

    Outdated deleted

    can u make a infinite run exe or dll*injectable* works for r4?
  53. Forever18

    AHK Requests Thread

    ad add discord
  54. Forever18

    AHK Requests Thread

    anyone can help me to change a ahk cheat for 41 to R4 it doesnt work at r4 version
  55. Forever18


  56. Forever18

    Untagged Release NameTagHack 0.3.7 / 0.3.DL [CLEO/EXE/ASI]

    can you make an exe for R4?
  57. Forever18

    add function

    so i succesfully code my aimbot ahk using SAMP UDF but the sniper part doest lock to a player anyone can help me?
  58. Forever18

    Untagged Release No Spread with an expanding crosshair

    i think this no spread is for all weapon try it
  59. Forever18

    CLEO Release PlayerFinder 0.3.7

    good job and keep it uP!
  60. Forever18

    CLEO Release SafaHook

    do you have exe version?
  61. Forever18


  62. Forever18

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    still not working :(
  63. Forever18

    [CLOSED] Accepting request

    1. Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one):Redpoint/redmark detector 2. Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not): in my mind 3. What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully): i want a cleo...
  64. Forever18

    CLEO Help gm

    server ip?
  65. Forever18

    CLEO Help my sampfncs is crash error loding sampfncs.asi???

    try another asi loader /silent asi loader
  66. Forever18

    How to fix fps drop by cleo (.cs file) ?

    try removing each cleo one by one .
  67. Forever18

    somethings fisshyy

    somethings fisshyy
  68. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

  69. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    it teleports towards red marker , i just need a red marker detector that when there is Near redmarker inmy rader A DOT will mark the red marker or checkpoint no need to teleport
  70. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    thank you very much mate!!
  71. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    i cant compile it :(
  72. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    it teleports to the marker what i need if there is a * HIDDEN red marker or checkpoint* on my surrounding my RADAR will mark a dot each red marker/check point that is near on me (some server will not show redmarker or checkpoint if you're not close or standing beside it
  73. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    that server that ill use it is 0.3.7-R2 but im using samp 0.3.7 right now
  74. Forever18

    CLEO Help red checkpoint detector

    * Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one):redmarkerchecker * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):in my mind * What do you want (the most important part, explain this carefully)i need a cleo or exe. When i...
  75. Forever18

    SF Plugin Release KAMARAT

    can someone send another file of kamarat here?
  76. Forever18

    CPP RELEASE smooth aimbot,silent aimbot,fast aimbot

    this shit is stealer ?
  77. Forever18

    CLEO Help Sensfix.asi

    quit samp please
  78. Forever18

    SF Plugin Release KAMARAT

    Format damage?
  79. Forever18

    [SA:MP] Ascension Cheats

    rip samp again
  80. Forever18

    pTrigger.exe [AUTOHOTKEY]

    im still usng this can u help me for a certain ahk script ?
  81. Forever18

    CLEO Help pedstats.dat

  82. Forever18

    Cleo multicheat :3

  83. Forever18

    How to look pro on Ugbase.

    Working !
  84. Forever18

    Untagged Release Lua Nametag

    FUck xD @puppetmaster its working in any version
  85. Forever18

    Untagged Release Lua Nametag

    So i will share some lua scripts for u guys This script made by  hnnssy  A simple hack for the sampa, including the drawing of the usual nemtegov players through walls and at great distances. During the screenshot is disconnected for a short time. Automatically deactivated when unloading...
  86. Forever18

    amateur admin LoF_

    HAHAHA you have a good skill :DDDD
  87. Forever18


    beautiful ! makes my eye hurt
  88. Forever18

    how much life has ugbase stolen from you

    1day,1hour,1minutes, 1 second
  89. Forever18

    CLEO Help Fake Samp Version

    the mod your finding is existing at the blashack try to search there but its a dll thingy
  90. Forever18

    Untagged Release Simple ACv2 Aimbot (SRC INCLUDED)

    can u make it skin shot ?
  91. Forever18

    help me to fix this!

    @supahduhpah [04:33:33] SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3 release #19 (SA-MP 0.3.7) caught an exception. [04:33:33] Base address: 60590000 [04:33:33] > Exception record: [04:33:33] Exception at address: 004F0E1C, Flags: 00000000 [04:33:33] Cause: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION [04:33:33] Attempted to read from...
  92. Forever18

    help me to fix this!

    how can i find the sampfunc crash log ? lol
  93. Forever18

    help me to fix this!

    no only 0.3.7 cleo 4.1 latest samfuncs gta 1.0 crack still crashing