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  1. conti

    Help Notepad lua extension not working

    I fixed it by pasting the lua.xml from moonloader to lua.xml in Notepad++/autoCompletion for now, it works so
  2. conti

    Help Notepad lua extension not working

    Hi I download Notepad++ and then moonloader setup, I select my notepad folder but when I select Lua language the definitions are not recognized from the lua.xml, what to do?
  3. conti

    Help high fps without speed / swimming bug

    hi how can I get high fps but without car speed bug / swimming bug, according to frameratevigilante I should play 60 locked, while im on 144 hz it feels laggy
  4. conti

    LUA snippets

    this was before SampSendChat() ? lol :D
  5. conti

    Help different syntax with cleos

    yo, i run across various cleo files with different syntax, one looking like "if and" with no "then" and "end" and others with "if" and "end", which one to use? where to start? or what syntax are they so I can look up a documentation?
  6. conti

    [CLOSED][CLEO] Accepting request

    What are 005A etc. Are there any yutorials
  7. conti

    [Question] Autowalk

    Alright seems like I need to learn C++ or cleo then ^^ I remember going on russian sites to learn about LUA hacking
  8. conti

    [Question] Autowalk

    Atm I was trying to fix my player finder beacon, now it just shows the beacon everytime u do a /cmd. But I want it to update every 2 seconds. But I try to make a loop of it I get a weird error and cant fix it. Now ontopic: I...
  9. conti

    [Lua] What is this error.

    Nobody? This was with the wait(2000) inside the function btw. Forgot to mention in the code.
  10. conti

    [Lua] What is this error.

    function marker(posX,posY,posZ) wait(2000) removeBlip(checkpoint) checkpoint = addBlipForCoord(posX,posY,posZ) changeBlipColour(checkpoint, 4) setCoordBlipAppearance(checkpoint, 1) end I'm trying to put this function to a loop so it updates on the...
  11. conti

    [Question] Autowalk

    why short link
  12. conti

    [Question] Autowalk

    Hii' wonder if its possible to make my player walk from position to position [ to automate a job ] . Theres objects inbetween. P.S I've worked with .lua scripts and moonloader in the past.