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  1. Z

    CLEO Help Dialog help

    Hey guys, I need help for the list dialog.. maybe you can insert in comment source code.. and i edit this, i want make teleports, because now i maked commands on teleport.. and this is a shit.. Please not ignore me :) this is example what about i talking..
  2. Z

    Help with function On/Off

    Sorry again , can you edit my script :D please :D to me is to hard understand you :)
  3. Z

    Help with function On/Off

    I'm try this, or i not understand you.. I make this and not work.. 0B34: samp register_client_command "test" to_label @testspeed ... :testspeed 0001: wait 0 ms if key_down 1 then 0B12: 0@ = 0@ XOR 1 if 0@ == 1 then //ON 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{0099FF} [»]{FF9900}ON!" 0xFFFFFFAA $C =...
  4. Z

    CLEO Help Please help me :)

    Hey guys , who can help me for on/off fuction.. I want use this code for command..  example: /speed1 and then driving on 90km/h , /speed1 again, and come normaly speed... Srr for bad english 
  5. Z

    Help with function On/Off

    Hey guys , who can help me for on/off fuction.. I want use this code for command..  example: /speed1 ant o driving on 90km/h , /speed1 again, and come normaly speed... Srr for bad english :) :ACC_20 wait 1 if and   Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) 84A7:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat...