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    Hey guys, it's my first cleo script, ik it's simple for y and it's kinda lame, but for me it's a big thing xD, ========================== anyways use Z + F to suicide,  Regards  iSpRoX
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    SobFoX Waken Demon The Private Version

    Damn this s0beit is a beast, but still i agree with you עשית את הדבר הנכון באמרת samp מת עשית איך עם מי לשחק פעם היו מלא שמשחקים xD
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    CLEO Help Help

    6@ = Actor.CurrentCar(4@) what is 4@ ?
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    CLEO Help Help

    036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car 6@ 6@ is the position of the target player ?
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    CLEO Help Help

    Hi guys, in trollboss.cs there is a function that burns other car when y type <playername> :FIRE_ACT wait 0 6@ = Actor.CurrentCar(4@) Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 7@, 8@, 9@) if Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) then    5@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)    036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR...
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    CLEO Help Getting player health

    While true what does it means, it's a loop? , I found some of  blackhat tutorials, thanks bro i appreciate it
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    CLEO Help Getting player health

    ay guys, now i finished with this code, it took me like 5 minutes it's not that hard but I want to do a code that if i have less than 98 % It automatic will set it to 99 how do i use this one 0B25: samp 2@ = get_player_health 1@ -> 0B25: samp 2@ = get_player_health $PLAYER_ACTOR ==============...
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    CLEO Help variables

    Can someone give me a good tutorial about variables example I found in opcode search tool this one 03AB: set_car 95@ strong 1 what the fuck is this 95@ what can i do with it? can i replace this like with  03AB: set_car $PLAYER_ACTOR strong 1 ? and another question, it doesn't matter if i use...
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    CLEO Release Suicide.cs

    Hey guys, it's my first cleo script, ik it's simple for y and it's kinda lame, but for me it's a big thing xD, ========================== anyways use Z + F to suicide,  Regards  iSpRoX
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    It gives me a warning, "C4717 'main': recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow , What is that? i tried to fix the problem but ...
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    There is nothing there -,- ? the code is ok?
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    #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { system("color 0A"); cout << "Counter Strike Source is opened before pressing ENTER..." << endl; system("Pause"); LPCWSTR Fuck = L"Counter-Strike Source"; HWND hwnd = FindWindow(0, Fuck); if (hwnd == 0) { cout...
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    paper touchpad

    We learn Arduino at school, It's fking boring my group and I :D  are making keyboard for Paralyzed people.
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    CLEO Help Snippets

    woww thanks i was looking for that ! thanks
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    CLEO Help Snippets

    How did u get this example xd there is a wiki ?
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    CLEO Help Snippets

    How to use Snippets , I need Opcode.eXe Snippet for something  { EXAMPLE:    if    0AB1: @GET_TARGET_CAR 0 _STORE_TO 0@    then        0186: 1@ = create_marker_above_car 0@        wait 500        0164: disable_marker 1@    end    by OpcodeXe }     :GET_TARGET_CAR 8@ = 0 {GOT_CAR?,FALSE}...
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    Turkish Troll :D

    Lol, nicee
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    CLEO Help My first CLEO

    Thanks for helping guys, i appreciate it :D
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    CLEO Help My first CLEO

    Thank you very much, Why they call it High level , it's more easier than low level -_- anyway  I didn't understand what u did there if not 31@ = samp.Base() then end_thread else    while not samp.Available()    wait 100    end end Can you explain this please? I really want to take this...
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    CLEO Help My first CLEO

    Hi, guys I made my first CLEO , lemme show u what i made {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP thread 'PackH&A' :MAIN wait 0 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "SpRoXx Pack has been loaded:" 0xFFFFFF 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "Type 'hl' in singlemode cheat to restore your Health!" color 0xFFFFFF 0AF8: samp...
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    CLEO Help Help

    Thanks for helping guys
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    CLEO Help Help

    Aight guys thank you very much , i am just learning cleo and i need help [hr] What do you mean by saying physical ped, you mean it's me ? i mean when i want to heal my self, i do CHAR or ACTOR?
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    CLEO Help Help

    What's the different $PLAYER_ACTOR to $PLAYER_CHAR
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    CLEO Release colorGroups

    Nice I love it
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    Can't start the game with CLEO

    LOLLLL Thanks dude I appreciate it, 1 week I'm trying to fix it because I installed a new windows xdd thanks !
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    Can't start the game with CLEO

    Hey guys can someone help me with this problem, when i put SAMPFUNCS it says d3dx9_43.dll is missing in my computer, and i put in System32 d3dx9_43.dll file.., then it says Error loading plugin SAMPFUNCS.asi Thanks