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  1. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    I tried, but it didn't work. What's the problem ? BYTE Hud = 0x00; WriteProcessMemory(id, LPVOID(0xBA6769), &Hud, sizeof(Hud), NULL);
  2. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    I found the necessary addresses. Thanks for your help.
  3. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    What exactly are these?
  4. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    Is there a video narration?
  5. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    I have no idea how to find positions. Can you help me ?
  6. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    Thank you for your help. Where can I find these addresses?
  7. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    How do I do this in c ++?
  8. x0rz

    Hud Remove ?

    Hi, I have a problem. I want to remove those bars from the game, but I can't find their addresses. Can you help me ? I want to remove hud: Ammo Bar, Weapon Bar, Wanted Bar, Area Name, Vehicle Name, Health Bar, Money Bar, Clock Bar Radar I'm sorry for my bad English...
  9. x0rz

    Teleport player to vehicle by her pointer

    I need the code you're looking for.
  10. x0rz

    Connection Control

    Üzgünüm, İngilizcem kötüdür. Ne istediğimi anlamıyorsun. Resimde anlatmak istiyorum. Umarım yardım edebilirsin.
  11. x0rz

    Connection Control

    Actually, I want to send data to the game with RakNet. I did a lot of research, but I did not get the result I wanted.
  12. x0rz

    Connection Control

    Hi, how can I check if it is connected to a server?
  13. x0rz

    About My Position

    I was looking for such a use. I figured out how to do it. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, L"GTA:SA:MP"); while (hWnd != NULL) { DWORD pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &pid); HANDLE open =...
  14. x0rz

    About My Position

    Can you give me a brief description of how to use it ?
  15. x0rz

    About My Position

    Hi, how can I capture my position with C ++. I want to find the X, Y, Z coordinates.