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  1. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] Mod to shorten a server command.

    Hello guys, so recently i play RP server with 0.3.7 R4 SA-MP. So, the server has some command that i using frequently, it's pretty "long", so that i want to shorten the CMD. So for example, the server has command /givemedicine [ID] olat [quantity] ( [ ] means parameter) and then, what i want is...
  2. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    thank you for all the answers, btw I have compiled it and it works! same expectation. I don't know if this script will be so loongg and hard, thank you for made it for me!
  3. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Work, not automatically close the dialog, but it keep restarting SS until i close the dialog :(
  4. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Finally, work! Thank you very much. After the dialog appear, it takes SS perfectly (checked in SAMP ss folder), but after it, the dialog disappear (closed), What part should i remove from the script to make the dialog does not dissapear after takes SS? Thank you.
  5. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Big thanks to you, made me that very long script! :D But, after i compiled all this script, the result is successful, no error or anything, but after i try in the server, sadly the result is nothing worked. Is the script need something to be changed? And about your youtube video, is that more...
  6. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Well, tbh, i dont understand anything about that LMAO , I'm still new about coding or etc, maybe you can make it simpler or give me the conclusion?
  7. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Thank you bru, i'll wait for that, if that's impossible, its fine. I wish SAMPFUNCS make another version that support 0.3.7 R4 or 0.3DL so user can use without SAMP version faker :D
  8. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    BTW, this cleo need sampfuncs right? Is it possible to make runable without SAMPFUNCS (normal .cs)? bcz i'm using 0.3.7 R4 ( Not supported ) Sorry for idiot question :/ , i'm still noob bout this.
  9. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Thank you. As parazitas said, that is dialog not textdraw. I'll try to compile that later.
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    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    0.3.7 R4, JGROLEPLAY. Do you need the ip address aswell?
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    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Hm.. so it's not textdraw eh? Okay, so how to make after the dialog appear with "Character Health" title, automatically take ss?
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    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    this is the textdraw, after this textdraw appear, is it possible to automatically take screenshot/F8?
  13. C

    CLEO Help [REQ] SAMP takes SS after certain textdraw

    Hi guys, is there any mod that take SS after certain textdraw appear? My expectation is after i write /inspect [Id] , and wait the opposite to /accept inspect, it will appear a textdraw, and i want if after the textdraw appear, it will take screenshot (Or F8). Thank you in advance
  14. C

    CLEO Help [HELP] Custom command with outputs

    Thank you, ill try to compile it after this, but i want to ask more, what if i add other command too is it like this? // commands register 0B34: "custom" to @cmd1 0B34: "custom2" to @cmd2 while true wait 0 :cmd1 say "/me bla bla" cmdret :cmd2 say "/do blabla" cmdret am i wrong? thank...
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    CLEO Help [HELP] Custom command with outputs

    0.3DL, but if its require 0.3.7, ill change my samp version.
  16. C

    CLEO Help [HELP] Custom command with outputs

    Ohh, umm btw can you send me the link? or give me keyword what should i search in this forum? thank you in advance bro.
  17. C

    CLEO Help [HELP] Custom command with outputs

    Hi guys, is there something custom command mod in SAMP? For example i type this on chat /custom And then the output on the server chat is /me blablabla or /lock I hope you can understand my request. This mod is just for simple chat and roleplaying, thank you in advance.