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    CLEO Help Need help to get if actor damaged by player, 051A not working

    Hello there, I'm trying to make a hitmarker on my own. To do so, I need to find out when an actor is hit by $player_actor but now I'm in a mess because the opcode 051A is not working as expected. What I've tried: Using ForAllPeds by Opcodex: {$CLEO .cs} wait 10000 while true wait 0...
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    CLEO Help Need help to make a Fake FPS for 0.3DL

    I saw an old thread on ugbase about a mod that does exactly the features I wanted - Fake FPS. Link of the old thread: But the problem is that it's only for 0.3.7 as SAMPFUNCS is not working on 0.3DL. Can anyone help me to create a 0.3DL...
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    CLEO Help Having problem dealing with parameters of SCM functions

    I'm new to writing cleo and I'm trying to make a cleo which reads file name from .ini file. {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 10@ = 0 while true wait 0 if and 0AB0: key_pressed 18 // alt 0AB0: key_pressed 37 // left arrow 10@ == 0 then 10@ = 1 wait 500...