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  1. Mzguen

    CLEO Help How to change this code to make this car won't able to repair itself?

    finnaly i know how to do it selftaught, i want to close this threads but i don't know how, can someone close or lock this threads?.
  2. Mzguen

    CLEO Help Where to put the active/deactived cheat code?.

    {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0000: NOP thread 'AUTOSPACE' wait 0 TIMERA = 0 :AUTOSPACE_32 wait 0 if 0ADC: test_cheat "WALK" else_jump @AUTOSPACE_94 if 0@ == 0 else_jump @AUTOSPACE_87 0@ = 1 jump @AUTOSPACE_94 :AUTOSPACE_87 0@ = 0 :AUTOSPACE_94 if and 0@ == 1 TIMERA...
  3. Mzguen

    CLEO Help How to change this code to make this car won't able to repair itself?

    // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG ( on 6.14.2013 {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'HEAVYCAR' :HEAVYCAR_19 wait 0 if Player.Defined($PLAYER_ACTOR) 1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR) else_jump...
  4. Mzguen


    * Name of the mod (if the mod doesn't exist, you don't have to tell one): Cleo auto press "W", for 0.3DL, without SF. * Where you saw it (not the server, we mean if you saw any videos/screenshots about it or not):I've never seen this mod before. but i really need this one. * What do you want...