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  1. S

    Help Help!

    Whenever I start up the wixplode aimbot it says GTA:SAMP is found. GTA_SA.exe is open. SA:MP pointers is not available. Switch to simple mode.<Pings can't be read> Try to restart aimbot or enter your approximate ping: So, It happens like 99% of the time But it sometimes works. Why are my...
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    Help Knife bug

    How do I do the knife bug? If anyone would watch the video and explain what they write that would be awesome. it is in a other language.
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    CLEO Help can't compile

    It says something about conditions, can somebody fix it? {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- thread 'BMXSPRINT' 0662: NOP "XZYTRO SAYS HI" :MAIN wait 0 if 047A:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_bike 0AB0:  key_pressed 87 0AB0:  key_pressed 49 else_jump @MAIN 0ACD...
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    CLEO Release Velo BMX Speedhack

    Too lazy to write this. It makes you go fast with a bmx. Hold Left shift to activate. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Help [HELP] OpenVPN

    Well, I installed openvpn and a vpn from the site but when I click connect it says Connected assigned ip bla bla bla I go to and it says just my normal ip?
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    VPN crack

    Would be cool if someone has a cracked version of cyberghost :yesyes:
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    CLEO Help [Help]Remove Unlimited ammo

    So, I have a cleo and it has unlimited ammo too, How do I disable it? This is the script: {$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 03A4: script_name 'NOOB' 0001: wait 0 00D6: if 8AAB:  not does_file_exist "cleo\" 004D: goto_if_false @NOOB_173 0AF1: write_int_to_ini_file 162 path...
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    Help C-HUD white?

    I freshly installed a C-Hud and it changes it to just a white block.
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    Help Mouse doesnt work that well, [VIDEO] HELP! If i click T and use the mouse its fine, but when i go play it is like that
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    BMX AHK bind or some sort.

    I need a bind or something for a bmx in SAMP, Something that keeps pressing W. It is very annoying to rapidpress W to go fast. :omg_run: :omg_run: :omg_run: